nd no one can be chargeddmore than others: capretta sayss "it means that insurance plans have o chargeeallh and aae of potential participants." and without have no reason to buy insuuance -- until thee need ii... whhch analysts caal jumpers and dumpers:capretta says: "they jump in after they ggt sick.. they get their medical carr, get theirrbills tte plan after they are ump the risk cannot bb spread g across the heelthy and unhealthy .... which would drive premiums through the roof:andrews says: "i don't think the court will or should blow out the ndiviiual mandate but if they do , i think it's inevitable if any major part of obama care is struck down, they will have to open up the health care debate back in congresssand do some that this time around, republicans who control the house would have a much bigger pay, givinggthem a fresh opportunity to shape the law ... theyyhave sworn to repeal angle, fox news. 33 he jjdge isn't even paying attention. what he was doing aaguments in norway's mass murddr trial. 3 party with kids is bad, add day- thinks their shop is the ne perfect place for