a lot of politicns in n me countries ly c carabout ththr owown rsonal interests.hen they n'n't ca abouthe rest of the opople. wewe, i don't t travel very much but t from what i i re about o other children, , i think thatat in other parts of t the world they y ally suffer, esespecially s street kids. some of them get realllly badly exploited. host: this week in our global ideas series, we're off to vietnam -- a nation suffering from ever more frequent bouts of extreme weather -- flooding, storms, heat-waves, and cold snaps. rural regions are particularly haha hit, leavaving local farmers struggling to protect theirr crops. the coastal l province of f quang nh is regurly hit bytorms. at can it to adapt exextreme weather? the allelees are manany, especiallyly given the c count's hihighopululation deitity. our reporter, kerstin schwzezer, adeded the to fifind out more.e. anh: vietnam is one of the countries that has the most impact frorom climate chchange. wewe are especiaially affecteded by the storms. for example, for 2017 in vietnam, we had 17 storms come through t