color, in caravaggio's work, is very important. and color is achieved--you have a very natural representation. in other words, the artist is introducing real colors, actual colors, colors of the object. it is used naturally. and he is introducing nature in his representation of these figures, natural flesh tones, for example, and actual color of the drapery. now, if we go back to the vermeer's work, we see that in the vermeer's girl, color is complemented through use of light. they are integrally interwoven. they work together to create a very distinct impression. light bounces off. notice the metal, the shapes, the wonderful reflections in the translucent pearls. and all of these create the wonderful feeling of-- they're achieved through color, but light is a very important element and a very important part. but color is used naturally. he's observing light. there is a window that's implied. it's directly behind the girl-- or in front of her, and it's casting a shadow. and it is illuminating the young lady. now, color can be used,