we've also seen a spike in the caravelle, the like view neighborhood and wondering if that's reflected on there as well. >> the spike, when you look at the empirical data, the spike on the numbers, actually the caravelle homicides are only up -- don't mean to say they are only up 1. >> up 1 from last year but for me a trend is something a few years in the making. what was it in 2010 and what was it in 2009 i think we'll see a trend upward that i have been concerned about. but certainly these numbers in the ingleside, visitacion valley and bayview are very high and compared to other years. i know that's a big concern for the department and the ipo strategy has come from that. since we started ipo and summer was very hot, how have we seen the homicides in terms of the trajectory we were on earlier this year, has it stayed the same? >> they have gone down. violent crime overall is down 3 percent this year or our non-fatal shootings are down 15 percent. i have another slide. this is a snapshot in time. last year we had a total of 50 homicides. we're more than that this year but when you lo