charles is the founder of the an crypto currency called cardano, it's a top 10 crypto point. he had something called the card on oh army so be careful. does this work? okay. can you hearing? okay. finally in the early afternoon, everyone began gathering on the top floor of the longtable . it was made of six long and wide bleached wood kitchen countertops arranged three by two with thin gray streaks talaid on blonde wood, worker style table legs. since high-back mesh fabric office chair with lumbar support rand wheels that will almost too easily on the saloon smooth wood floors. others stood. vitalik who sat at the head of the table, his back to the smaller deck facing the kitchen at the other end of the room had a few words and asked everyone to goaround and see the same piece . jeff and so jeff is one of the main developers. the three developers are jeff, gavin and vitalik himself so they make the desk. jeff but he, evan and "the cryptopians: idealism, greed, lies, and the making of the first big cryptocurrency craze" had made a pact to say they didn't think charles could le