. >> thank you, miss cardenas duncan. next speaker. president norton? >> thank you, supervisors, i want to comment four taking up this issue. i don't think i could be further appalled by this condition and the doctor's presentation really appalled me. this is a crisis in san francisco and across the country. i think it's really important for us to do this. i want you to know that i have introduced a resolution, that will be voted on by the breks e board of education on january 13th, and i'm hoping my colleagues will support it and i'm hoping that i can pledge the district's full support in getting this education campaign and passed by the voters in san francisco. i think that i also want to say that i am very agnostic as far as the proceeds how the proceeds of a revenue measure would be provided and i think they would be directed in various ways to physical education and public activity and so i'm going to leave it to your wisdom to figure out how to divide that up whether it goes to parks or schools. the important thing is to encourage a decrease in co