church leaders like cardinal archdioccse of washington say t freedom."re never experieeced this in the history of our country before. this is a violltton of the basic rights of conscience and religious liberty. so you to begin to speak up." ttat argument may be working. steve &pcatholic university and has advised the obama administration in the past. he calls the contraception decision a olitical misstep. "i'm seeing in the pews is something waking up, maybe a little bit of catholic solidarity. ttat i think could very well carry ovvr into their political activities."(nats) there are u-s. 544percent of those who voted inn2008 went for president obama ... an important majority when you consider where many oofthem live."they're loccted in places like ohio, and pennsylvania, and colorado and florida whhch are of course critical states for whoever wants to bbcome pressdent of the united states. so that catholic vote really matters." notre dame univeesity ... olive branch to catholics.n "maybe we won't agree on &pabortion, buttwe can still agree thht ttis is a