. >> i believe the cardinal ashton to resign that position as well. >> says, he did. he had already finished campaigning by that time. >> all right. >> he will, if pushed to the limit, abate. as long as he has any energy he will fight you, and he is a very, very stubborn man. >> most recent he just pennies of rather substantial lows recently house. and he'd talk about of a high above the earth? >> it is not too complicated. the cardinal decided how. apparently he had an elimination. he thought we could get him out by appointing him as president of leo high-school which is a small all black high-school. he thought that would be good. he can stay in the neighborhood, and he could then take over. unfortunately he announce that without telling the current president and principal that he was doing that. so when the reporters ran over to see what the reaction was they said, we didn't know anything about this. so that wasn't good. that wasn't good. the cardinal said he wanted to go. he said, i don't want to go. i'm not an educator in that sense. i am not -- and i don't want