. >> janowski was so concerned that he wrote a letter to chica chicago's cardinal francis george whichays. >> english has the greatest vocabulary of any living language on earth. yet the prescription is that we not only adhere to a stiff, ugly, nonvernacular translation, but actually delight in convoluted sentence sucture and anan ro nisic language and calls it reverence. >> the retranslation process began in the 1980s working with concert with linguists, writers, even poets. but the vatican rejected that translation, and, instead, decided to rewrite the entire roman missal or prayer book of which the mass is only a part. >> then, in 2000, pope john paul ii announced there would be a new missal. and if there was going to be a new missal, you had to start the entire translation process all over again. so it began again. >> father edward foley is a professor of liturgy and music. >> i think the most problematic part of the whole thing has been the process. i think it was much more secretive than the previous translation process. we knew who the translaters were in the previous process. h