ey put some gi cardsbusinesses at my doorstep, but these seem le it's a marking gimick as well vid raall works het aa. heroughtotice our attentn so other newhomeowneld be ed. xxxx news five investig we are ag questions ou the survelliance video that aldlshows the attack odonovan dura as we ed, he was parazed in police custody in ljunta. duran plans s, but his lawyer says investigators ve denied requests for inrmation and doments relad to the incint. duran to us from hisostal d that he was drunk the night he was athe officers took him the sp that's ere duran his attorney mike mcdivitt believes surveillance cas and offir boameras may have recorded the incidentbu the colorado bu of investation n't let him see "tintainhe integrif the inveigatd so forth, they are dyingur request which is another way of saying, or cou be interpreted mean, let us have an opportunity to get our act gether and clean thgs up before we reve the inrmatn ynd t fthe publnd thas what don't like c-b-i l withir . the state sunshine law lets police agencies deny the release of records from ongoing crim vestigations. e two