neighborhoods and looted shops serve as a reminder of a vicious conflict the ethnic standoff between cardus and backs. the border between kurdistan and his back stan was drawn in soviet times it didn't matter that a dense population was part of the cargoes republic after all it was part of a single country the soviet union however interethnic violence erupted following him because of the u.s.s.r. one of the bloodiest confrontations began in the early hours of june eleventh two thousand and ten and lasted for nearly five days. the city of instantly fell into two camps people wrote their identities on the walls of their houses to indicate to the tenant was. there were signs on some of them but help never arrived the city's administration was powerless throughout the riots neighborhoods were truant out. vito's in your house my daughter her husband and i have not even had the opportunity to make ourselves at home there when it was burned down we were left out in the cold. nobody knows how many people died in the june confrontation official figures put the death toll at more than three hundred a