with her new bra, caresse crosby and women everywhere were liberated. en in 1914. but aside from that, liberated! crosby's bra was a hit, but it continued to evolve. and by the 1950s, new styles led to an all-out boob party. bras became an intrinsic part of fashion, with underwires and padding, allowing women to emulate the stars of the era, like marilyn monroe and jane mansfield. an ample bosom was as synonymous with 1950s womanhood as not having a bank account or getting excited when you get a vacuum for your anniversary. and it wasn't just about the curves. thanks to torpedo bras, it was also about the pointiness, which may look a little odd now, but at the time, it was the cold war, so it made sense to have extra missiles on hand in case russia invaded. but while bras were supporting women, not all women were supporting bras. in fact, by the late 1960s, going braless became a fashion statement. boobs were free to hang and move around and swing as much as all the couples at the party. it was a great time for boobs. except for all the polyester they we