bill: carey mulligan was an assassin.roll tape. -- i remember you saying your management skills, but you still treat people -- >> the man is a driver. you know that drivers do not drive. they spend their lives waiting. happy.s perfectly he is a bloody well paid. he listens to kiss 100. and read the men's interest magazines. >> it has come down. >> frank is better off in a warm mercedes. this is the problem. this ridiculous self-righteousness. you always had it, i knew. it is going to get worse. >> nothing to do with my teaching. it has nothing to do with what i do, it is a way of respecting people. >> frank is not people. frank is a man who is doing a job. you have these stupid gestures, nothing to do with what people might want. people want to be respected, not look down on as if they were disabled, as if they needed help. this was the whole trouble with business with you. you look down at the way we did things. finally, that is why you left. >> will i must say. i never knew that was the reason. >> i'm sorry. >> i never