including, um, some big companies you may have heard of like adm and cargill. and none of these companies would let me into their plants. and i always think that this is a mistake when companies do this, because journalists are always going to be able to find the story, to get the story regardless, and then the companies kind of look like the bad guy and like they have something to hide. so i spent a fair amount of time talking to food scientists and people that work at the company, and i read various available materials. and the production of soybean oil, um, basically goes like this: it involves the crushing of soybeans, pretty simple, and then something called hexing extraction. and this is, hexing is a chemical that comes from oil refining, petroleum refining i should say, and it is, it's a neurotoxin. it's regulated by the epa. and you basically get the oil out of soybeans much the way you do like you make coffee. you percolate the hexane through the soybeans, and it's very efficient. it's very cheap, and it's very efficient at getting the oil out. and the