carinthia is virtually bankrupt, but that does not seem to bother anyone the. many revers jorg haider although he died in a car crash two years ago, driving while drunk. he and his followers claed to be different from austria's major political parties, which has long divided the spoils of power among themselves. now, his idealized image has been tarnished. investigators have discovered jorg haider had access to bank accountsn liechtenstein containing millions of euros. it seems what he had was not an old boys' network but a young boy's network. journalists who try to investigate or criticize jorg haider are quickly accused of muckraking. alexander worked as a correspondent in berlin, giving her an out sutters perspective her countrymen do not want to hear. >> in austria, consciousness of the rule of law are not very deep-seated. without traditions of the old austrian-hungarian market, we look up to our superiors. that is reflected here. politicians are sacrosanct in austria. >> jorg haider did questionable things. he made trips abroad sponsored by corporations