carissa, lafontaine, indiana. mr.o, where i come from, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is a duck. the president is a socialist. where i live, it would be foul of me to label anyone anything without proof beyond a reasonable doubt. if you see mr. obama flying south with the flock, let me know. brad, indiana. your comment to geraldo, voters should do what's great for the country, is great. another one, most people on unemployment, do not consider it's a free ride. i spend hours a day trying to find a job and get taxes taken from my unemployment tax. karen, chandler, arizona. my husband and i both have jobs, but worse off financially than ever. bill, adding mcgurk to "the factor" is the best since miller time. bill, don't subject your viewers to gottlieb. "the factor" is becoming "jersey shore." aren't you better than that, bill? not really. billy