hartman or anthony -- carl anthony for example, who knows the city. i believe that this is not a good faith document as specified by the state in terms of what needs to be done. here it is -- it is a set of our comments, if you would take it that we submitted repeatedly which is not noted or commented upon at all. it is not noted or commented on at all. it deals specifically with the question of mitigation. we have terrible needs during the coming depression that is going to get deeper. we have resources, shortages before and more so come up. we have not looked into the expediency and ness di of the means and resources to make it so. a definition of a policy is -- is an administrative directive intended to be enforced. that's a definition it is not something to encourage or comfort willie whatever. that's merely an intrinsib document to the way things have been done. it is not legal. you need to come up with specific litigation in the documents which i have previously given to you. we needed a evaluation of past performance. it is not there. how did o