i'm glad you put it in writing. >> right. >> you mentioned carl ashman, my uncle one of the biggest everliquippa fans felt that he was, best football coach ever. and answer to your question may be there is some divine intervention involved there. he is, his influence hasn't faded. it has infaded. >> no. he was, you know, also he had a, what the family called a paper heart. he had very bad heart trouble. his daughter died of heart trouble at i think at the age of 30, 32. you know, so, he was, outwardly an incredibly tough guy. frank morocco, his seconddfr successor, was playing a football game and got a punt smashed into his face and broke his nose and carl ashman walked up to him, went -- squeak. frank went back in the game. get back in there. i talked to other, don's brother spoke, he thought, actually ashman was a little too hard on guys that way. he felt, gene felt he didn't care -- as time as gone on, gene says i don't think he cared about his players as much as i would like him to. overall, ditka squares by him. also people notably enough, i think it was richard mann, now receivers