. >> i spoke to carl crawlit. he lives in court madeira. 6-year-old son has just completed a 3-year regimen of chemotherapy to treat his leukemia. the boy is now in remission. but this father spent -- he's really very concerned about this. his son cannot be vaccinated because of this medical condition. they're waiting for his immune system to build back up so that he can be vaccinated. in the meantime at his school reed elementary in tiburon, their personal belief exemption rate actually went up slightly this year. it's now 7%. so he worked with the school to try and make sure that all the kids in his classroom would be vaccinated. but he said he was at a back to school night at his -- a community event at his daughter's school where the -- people raised the issue of peanuts, that peanut allergies, don't bring peanuts to school because people have allergies and they could die. and he raised his hand and said in the interest of health and safety of our children can we have the assurance that all the kids at our school are immunized. and peop