carl funk appeared in court through a jailhouse video link.... e needed a wheelchair and was bedridden...///. the judge was sympathetic... / even offered funk a six-month payment plan in exchange for a guilty plea... after he said he couldn't afford bail...//. with that -- suddenly funk... stood up and walked away... as the courtroom erupted in laughter..../when... the judge... looked up... funk was gone from the video monitor. "iq: he's probably doing back flips..... oq: he's been cured." cured." despite his stunt..../ funk was released from jail with a walker. some florida residents are protesting a policy on american flags... that... lacks... common sense..../the city of seminole... apparently got a complaint about a large american flag being flown from the back of a firetruck..../ it... wasn't a safety issue,.../ and... it... wasnt tattered .../ but... the firefighters were forced to take it down.... along with smaller flags... in the truck windows..../ now,... these demonstrators... are... trying to protect... a tradition that started ... aft