and he, president carl gershwin explained their creation, saying it would be terrible for democratic groups around the world to be seen as subsidized by the k. i don't think you're supposed to say that out loud. i think you're supposed to go, we totally have nothing to do who are not at all we've sooner even orange after brushing teeth, then exists to basically whitewash so maneuvers of the central intelligence page and say because orange is taste bad if you just she just brush your teeth, so i'll just say and we would not do that and also not just cover up actions, you know or recent any d document reveals that washington is focusing on 3 areas, training activists and civil society organizations and non violent regime change tactics, funding anti government media and bank rolling electron monitor in groups. so why does the u. s. want to topple lucas jenko? well, the new york times will tell you it's because he's authoritarian, doing things like jailing to journalists in august. i don't know if we should criticize other countries, journalists, as long as you know, the whole us on thi