new ways i mean isn't the kind of individuation both carl jung i view preached in so many of your books well it depends of course when when he makes changes and facts hundreds of millions of people and i don't want to comment further upon the effect of those changes i'm simply saying it's a country that's deeply divided and for every admirer there is are probably about $1.00 of those who dislike him intensely so he is not a person who commands majority majority approval in this country despite being in power and so forth and mask of the last question not about trying but about. the intensity of the hatred because it's i live in the united states i started there i have many friends there and i have to tell you that i have never experienced that their way it is right now well with or without this they have a russian angle i mean like they have delivered a lot of polarization is simply mind blowing. do you think these intensity these see the boiling hatred of trump says anything about people who hate him isn't that also a kind of projection well of course it is of course it is again i thin