preparing the future decryption reich, in particular, by the hands of german scientists who emigrated carl jungouldn't we already start preparing similar similar plans yes mrs. sofia, a reasonable question, but you know they were preparing but the plan matured at the very end of the war ah because the morgental was a famous plan and then only the marshal appeared already after the war, that's why you can talk about what was cooked, but you can't cook it. in general, i want to always remind you that both germany and japan were occupied allies and this is very important. this is me. how do you imagine the occupation of russia in the event of preservation her nuclear potential i don't know i don't want any events russia's identification plans to prepare you with i want to say that you and i would be better off thinking about the rules secured from russia so that we would be in nato so that it would be a nuclear umbrella for us so that we would not allow the possibility of a nuclear strike never in ukraine, this would be a good plan, and let the russians deal with their own problems if there is no