i was drawn to the conspiracy by my interest in the writings of carl popper. i had read his book open society and the enemies and argued that the truth is beyond the reach of the human intellect. and ideologies that cling to be in position of the argument of truth are bound to be false. therefore, they can be imposed on society only by repressive methods. this helped me to understand the similarity between the nazi and communist regimes. having lived through both of them in hungary, it made me a great -- it made a great completion -- impression on me. this led me to publish the area of scientific method. popper claimed that scientific theories can never be verified, only falsified. that means the slidty must be regarded as provisional and must forever remain open to falsification by destination. the main merit of the theory, in my opinion, is that it avoids all of the problems connected with proving scientific theories beyond any doubt and it establishes the importance of testing. only theories that can be falsified by testing qualify as scientific. while i wa