"something somewhere is waiting to be known" -- carl sagan. >> "live life to the fullest." i'm not sure where that's from. i assume it's a general saying. >> "it's not about waiting for the rain to pass. it's about learning to dance in the rain," 'cause it's like you shouldn't wait -- technically, it's not like you should wait for opportunities to come. like, you should just go for them. >> "with power comes great responsibility." >> well, i always liked saying, "no day but today," about, like, living and taking advantage of the moment. >> "if you don't have something to nice to say, say it in yiddish." >> if you haven't found an adage, maxim, or aphorism to call your own, try this one from eleanor roosevelt... i like that. for "teen kids news," i'm emily. >> troy has some information that might surprise you about how much is enough of a good thing. [ chomp! ] >> it's not enough to just eat the right foods. you also need to know the right amounts. that's called portion control. nutritionist jax hubbard can show us what a normal serving should look like. >> well, it's always