he is more popular in the uk than carl sagan ever was here in america. there is, in fact, hope for this world. and it's represented by the electorate, not by our elected officials. [applause] in my humble opinion. yes, sir. >> good evening. the way i see it, the 20th century belongs to america and russia, as well as space exploration. and now that i look at the international space station, i see that as one effort that has been some collaboration at the international level. you talk a lot about war and economies of the motivations for countries do it alone. but what about cooperation globally? when china, india, japan, russia, america, we don't all go in the same direction, but come together to do something, a grand vision so to speak. and despite being a very big skeptic of u.n. and how the international system of functions, but is there some hope for us? >> the international space station is the greatest collaboration of nations, other than the waging of war. in terms of the size, the scale, the investment, the number of nations that participate. so it