. >> also carl sagan. >> jimmy: what was happening here?well, you know, if there's one line i came away with understanding after spending time with them and the way their minds work is that for me god's back yard is a whole lot bigger than i thought it was. >> jimmy: they put it in perspective. >> yeah. just perspective of the tiny dot we are. and how many galaxies make up the universe, how many multiple universes there maybe. it's pretty awe inspiring. >> jimmy: this definitely sounds similar to what you may have been talking about with snoop and jimmy buffett i imagine. [ applause ] >> working it out. >> jimmy: you know, mike myers was here i think like two or three weeks ago and he told a story but and your wife camila and him. he said he was at a hotel. i want to get your take on this. did you see this by any chance? >> no, i haven't seen it. but i was there. >> jimmy: so what he says happened -- so we don't know what really happened. but what he says happened is he was sitting alone in a hotel and you came up and said hey, how are you