and i went to see him and carl sanders was in a very upholstered office of his law firm, jimmy carter. i met on a folding table with two irons folding chairs. and i said, what am i getting myself into? he had work boots on. it took me one hour to realize this was the real thing. he was from south georgia, but he understood urban issues. mass transit, education reform, and from me. he was someone who was supporting civil rights, even from south georgia. and it took me a second interview to convince myself i shouldn't work for carl sanders, who i had first gone to see. and the rest is history. i became his policy director as governor when he ran for president. and then in the white house. stu eizenstat, you have one minute to tell us about your chapter on trade, nafta, usmca. one of the concerns i really have is we're moving into an anti-trade environment. and so i interviewed all of the trade representatives, including donald trump's mr. lighthizer, who was a first rate trade representative. trade is critically important, and it's the issue internally, certainly, peter, that has the mo