six months later a 500 man sized task force, under carl smith, was rushed eed to korea to bloe advance. you know the rest of the story, they were out numbered ten to one and although they inflicted 127 casualties, they suffered 181 casualties, more soldiers were not sent because the air force did not have enough transport planes. it's worth noting that bazookas that were fired at the korean tanks bounced off and had no effect. the modernized 3.5 bazooka was developed at the end of world war ii but was terminated because of budget cuts. the point is that you can have a well-led, trained and equipped force and it can still be hollow if it's not properly modernized and if he cannot get it to the right place at the right time. please help the members of this committee understand how under the context of the budget before us, the army is prepared to avoid the mistakes that led to task force smith. finally, and i really mean this, i cannot think of a better team than secretary mchugh and general to lead our army during these hchallenging times. again, thank you both for yourselfless service