carl vinson, my other hat, i am am lieutenant commander on the and served on the carl vinson, a great ship and thank you for your service as a shipmate. you are bringing up something very important that we have become better aware of. >> that's the relationship between concussions and brain injury and symptoms of mental illness. the unit i work on at walter reed specializes in tbi, traumatic brain injury and other psychological disturb applications that go with it. what it is telling us, the 45,000 plus veterans of desert storm of iraq and, also, afghanistan, that those who have concussive head injuries have a higher instance of psychological difficulties. now, with that, many times, they get misdiagnosed as simple psychological problems which, themselves, need to be treated. but when you look at the problems people may have with holding jobs, social relationships, marital quality, et cetera, focus of their attention, it is imports if you look upon those things as relates to concussions and brain injuries. for the v a. to have seven marks before you can be evaluated is wrong. twenty o