carla bryant? >> no she is not a current member. >> not as a member. >> not as a member, but as an official member representing the district. >> what is it that you need to know? what are the answers? >> what i need to know is what i am trying to get to is the balance of the representation on the cpac and if there are different divisions that we are allocating out, how many of those seats are rotating? verses people staying? seats, or you know going into different categories and then being on the cpac for you know ten or 15 or 20 years, verses having some diversity on the commission which includes representation on the early ed side as well as child care side as well as, you know, all of the different folks that make-up the cpac. and so again, you know, we just have never been engaged to question who comes to us and it comes to us in a slate. which means that you know, we are approving a group of folks without having really had the opportunity that you know the folks that are going to, that we as a