i'm joined by my guess, carla nixon in washington. he is a political analyst in columbus. we have miss the winston. she is a political activist, as well as host of the miss b. winston show on t n t radio ad in paris we crossed the way to mars than she is a syndicated columnist and a party contributor across stock rolls in effect. that means you can jump anytime you want and i always appreciate it. let's go to miss the 1st and columbus. i just came back from vacation though i'm one of the last person that i talked to on this program was you. so we're kind of filling up the gap here. missing is it a time for kids? western backers to start eating pro. i mean, i went through an article, a few articles yesterday of all the, you know, the months ago is a success is assured, you know, the break through the lines of russians have no morel. the equipment is from the 19 sixteen's, you know all of that garbage that we've been reading and now we have a very different reality and it's pretty hard even the western media is beginning to say, oh it's looking all a little problem. matic, o