carley. is it nine? ist nine? how many people think carley's right? yeah. if carley's autism would be considered mild to moderate, wesley is in the moderate to severe tegory. becausof his inabili to communicate in any meaningful way, wesley w assumed to be retarded, t adnces in the underanding of autism now raissome questions. are these people lacking in intelligence? arthey simply unable to communicate in ways that are understandable? or is it both? this is a magic moment inome ways because if you had asked that a year ago, i would have said that the lirature and expeence tells us thatost people with autism, certainly 75%, have the additional problem of mental retardation. i'not saying that isn't true. i'm saying we don't know what that meananymore cause many of the young people with autism who have been given a visual-- a written-word means to communicate demonstrate that they have fairly good symbolic ability. they're much more e of what's going on than they er gave any indication of from their affective, observable behavior, and they canse the written w