here today, rich carlguard, victoria barrett, elizabeth mcdonald. clinton hardy, and welcome back, dennis. we'll hear from him in just a moment. great to have you back with us. ♪[music] >> rich, first to you. get rid of all the tax breaks, right? >> yeah. this economy needs tough love. getting rid of the tax breaks would add simplicity, clarity. you talk to any business person out there or investor. what they're most worried about is the lack of clarity going forward, and our complex tax code contributes to that. it's not enough. you've also got to lower the income tax rate, a flat tax rate, a 15 to 20% combined with eliminating the writeoffs would be the perfect prescription for this economy. it would boom. >> you've always ed tour de edid against corporate tax breaks for the rich, isn't it time to finally do that? >> yeah, it is, but you know, it's too radical to get rid of it all. i mean, it is fun and i think it's useful to talk about big solutions like the flat tax, but there's always a well known solution to all human problems, neat, plausible