text message to our andrea canning, he wrote, so, you're telling me, anytime someone calls me carlos estevez anti-latino? he also continues to insist he is not using drugs and is willing to be tested. >> they want hair, blood, pee [ bleep ] enamel, whatever. it's all good. >> it's textbook addict denial on steroids, basically. he is coming out so forcefully. he's not simply saying, i don't think i have a problem. he's basically saying, all of you are stupid. and i can do this myself. see? i've already done it. and all the time, it sounds like he's still engaged in drugs. >> reporter: psychologist stanton peele, author of "seven tools to beat addiction," says sheen clearly feels attacked by the producers who are trying to help. >> it doesn't do well to attack people to get them to change. and he feels attacked. it makes for good media. but it's not good therapy. ordinarily, good therapy involves trying to find some way of making a bridge to the person. not attacking and fighting with them. >> reporter: building bridges may be easier said than done, after they were so publicly scorched this we