apps to trace those who came in contact with covid-19 and while that may help businesses reopen carlos gronato found it is raising some privacy concerns. >> reporter: your phone could be tracking you and all your movements as a way to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. the app would alert people if they came in close contact if they came in contact with someone who tested positive for covid-19. a way to start reopening parts of society. >> if we had the capability of isolating and contact tracing in a highly effective and efficient way, then the numbers will stay low. >> reporter: health experts say it's also about making people feel comfortable as they go out. disney executive chairman and chairman of the board said as they look to reopen the parks, this is something that could be considered. >> it's likely we're going to need some mass testing and scale and some form of contact tracing, as well, so that, you know, we can identify people who have been exposed or people who have had the virus and may be to harm of others. >> reporter: google and apple working on the interface that could