this is the front page of time magazine carlos menem miracle l. modelo of privatizing low taxation deregulation the same exact thing that led to the celtic tiger the icelandic miracle right they don't count debt in the case of carlos menem or in iceland or anywhere else they don't or any other states are in the u.k. the united states's recovery so-called from two thousand and eight has been accompanied by an increase of debt greater than the increase in so-called g.d.p. and this of course leads to pushing everyone sovereignty to our global speculators which of course are issuing the debt to take over the assets but again max there are no such things as miracles and yet here's a paper for the icelandic ministry of finance. in two thousand and six it's titled the icelandic miracle and it's a whole bunch of pages explaining why we're cool sometimes do exist and on this page here max of their chart the icelandic model nine hundred ninety one two. there is no ending but i could say we it ended in two thousand and seven or eight and the model cutting su