only do you know right now the first boy you kissed and yes i do was his name his name was one carlos nardo and he was. we were thirteen yeah it was very sweet you know he was my next door neighbor it was my grandmother's house or the g.'s is what is like no where was it it was a it was at his house we were playing a game and he leaned over and just smacked me on the lip service with no no no little known talent is there a talent you have we don't know about i am a an amazing eyebrow plucker i everybody comes over to my house so that i do their eyebrows i am excellent at it and make great pancakes too by the way yes i do your i mean as a corollary it was what people would be most surprised to find out about you i'm surprised to find out ok i brought this either you go ok i can i kept in my own vessel i've taken three courses in seamanship piloting in navigation and know how to plot a chart i know how to do all that business because i'm a boater i love it and i want to make sure if i got my kids on that boat that i knew what i was doing know not sail power boat and it doesn't really care abo