bernadette, joe, sean, andrea, marlon, and carlos ramirez. next speaker. >> thanks for staying with us and keeping away. i am don fox, an episcopal priest. i have been here serving for 39 years, the last 17 of which i have been with the san francisco night ministry, a middle of the night crisis counseling, referral, and intervention services to anyone in trouble between 10:00 p.m. at 4:00 a.m.. i am speaking on behalf of the positions organizing committee. i call upon you and the board of supervisors to do three things to make sadr more responsible and a better provider of health care in keeping with its nonprofit, tax-exempt status. i have no criticism of the doctors and nurses and support staff who conscientiously care for patients under the centre system. however, the devious behavior of the administrators, legal people, and financial wizards needs to be monitored very closely. also, you need to be wise as serpents in dealing with them. if sadr is allowed to further cripple st. luke's hospital, i call upon you to require, first of all, sut