Feb 21, 2023
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carlos sÁnchez es el hombre que enfrento este difÍcil momento.a honrada. >> me golpeo con un bate. >> hoy con un poco igual de desconfianza y de miedo, lo que hizo no estÁ bien. estÁs pensando que te puede volver a pasar. >> el negocio de carlos sÁnchez. para conocer cÓmo la comunidad latina estÁ ayudando a carlos sÁnchez lo invito a que es carne el cÓdigo que tiene en pantalla. >> asÍ fue como anoche se registrÓ un incendio en la primera iglesia disco al. la iglesia se encontraba en un majestuoso edificio. dijo no conocer las causas de este incendio. lo que queda en pie son los nÚmeros anteriores. estamos en temporada de declaraciÓn de impuestos. una nueva herramienta ayudarÁ a los contribuyentes. esto va a reducir el tiempo y el esfuerzo para resolver problemas tributarios. >> una persona va a recibir el aviso. al recibir el aviso se le ofrece esta una opciÓn. se ofrecerÁ el enlace que podrÁ ingresar para subir los documentos de manera segura. es todavÍa muy limitada. mencionamos que podrÍa comentarse con ustedes. lo invito a que abra la cÁmara
carlos sÁnchez es el hombre que enfrento este difÍcil momento.a honrada. >> me golpeo con un bate. >> hoy con un poco igual de desconfianza y de miedo, lo que hizo no estÁ bien. estÁs pensando que te puede volver a pasar. >> el negocio de carlos sÁnchez. para conocer cÓmo la comunidad latina estÁ ayudando a carlos sÁnchez lo invito a que es carne el cÓdigo que tiene en pantalla. >> asÍ fue como anoche se registrÓ un incendio en la primera iglesia disco al. la...
Feb 20, 2023
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ramÓn: se saliÓ de sus casillas, dice el seÑor carlos sÁnchez.apoyar a este hombre migrante. >> es importante estar allÍ para apoyar, actuar cuando veas una injusticia. ser una voz para que ellos que no tienen voz. ramÓn: los activistas continuarÁn las campaÑas de rechazo para este tipo de hechos a la comunidad hispana. para seguir esta informaciÓn, escanee el cÓdigo qr en pantalla. dos dÍas antes se registrÓ otro ataque contra un vendedor, esto fue en pleno san josÉ. despuÉs de finalizar el concierto de ana gabriel, un sujeto ataca al vendedor, no se saben las causas del ataque del accidente, es sospechoso no ha sido identificado. si usted tiene informaciÓn del sospechoso, reportelo a la oficina de la policÍa de san josÉ. 50,000 clientes de pg&e quedan sin servicio debido a un incendio en la subestaciÓn. esto ha causado demoras en el aeropuerto internacional de oakland. en oakland, dos niÑos se recupera luego que un vehÍculo se estrellara contra una vivienda. segÚn los bomberos, el conductor perdiÓ el control de su auto impactÁndose con una tube
ramÓn: se saliÓ de sus casillas, dice el seÑor carlos sÁnchez.apoyar a este hombre migrante. >> es importante estar allÍ para apoyar, actuar cuando veas una injusticia. ser una voz para que ellos que no tienen voz. ramÓn: los activistas continuarÁn las campaÑas de rechazo para este tipo de hechos a la comunidad hispana. para seguir esta informaciÓn, escanee el cÓdigo qr en pantalla. dos dÍas antes se registrÓ otro ataque contra un vendedor, esto fue en pleno san josÉ....
Feb 20, 2023
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ramon: el negocio de carlos sÁnchez se encuentra la cuadra 1400.on muchas personas del comunidad para apoyar al inmigrante. el lugar tambiÉn llegÓ un grupo de jÓvenes activistas que defienden los derechos de los inmigrantes, quienes rechazaron la forma violenta en la que fue agredido sÓlo porque estaba trabajando tranquilamente en la calle. >> no pudo creer que en este aÑo todavÍa pasen cosas asÍ. >> estos dÍas, es muy importante practicar la humanidad. actuar cuando ves una injusticia. ramon: los activistas informaron a noticias univisiÓn 14 que comenzarÁn sus campaÑas de rechazo a cualquier forma de discriminaciÓn y de forma intimidante al inmigrante, cualquiera que sea su origen. en nuestro equipo digital tiene para usted un relato completo sobre esta violenta agresiÓn al vendedor ambulante en san josÉ. para verlo, con lo que la cÁmara de su celular en el cÓdigo q.r. en pantalla. hace sÓlo unos dÍas se registrÓ otro ataque un vendedor ambulante, lo recordara, estas imÁgenes son del pasado jueves en el exterior de las afueras del centro de san jo
ramon: el negocio de carlos sÁnchez se encuentra la cuadra 1400.on muchas personas del comunidad para apoyar al inmigrante. el lugar tambiÉn llegÓ un grupo de jÓvenes activistas que defienden los derechos de los inmigrantes, quienes rechazaron la forma violenta en la que fue agredido sÓlo porque estaba trabajando tranquilamente en la calle. >> no pudo creer que en este aÑo todavÍa pasen cosas asÍ. >> estos dÍas, es muy importante practicar la humanidad. actuar cuando ves...
Feb 27, 2023
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san josénatalie rivera telemundo. >>> comentamos que el hombre acusado de atacar con un bate a carlos sánchezs por este acto, además dice que esto no cambie lo que hizo se siente avergonzado y arrepentido y que quiere mostrar quienes verdaderamente, también comento que le su familia colaboraron con el evento de hoy colocando letreros para darle la bienvenida al personas que llegaron. en otros asuntos un operativo en el que participaron varios agentes de la ley permitió el arresto decuatro sospechosos según policiales. >>> es vincula con el caso de un trabajador que estaba colocando dinero a un cajero automático, eso todos estos casos ocurrieron ayer pero los arrestados una policías son residentes de (nombre en inglés) estas personas fueron detenidas en vaca bill, por otra parte este domingo se registró un homicidio en el río pájaro cerca de el área de (nombre en inglés) en huacho 1000, la policía informó que era un hombre que rondaría los 40 salir, de vuelta a la bahía trazado computación de los bomberos por las barricadasde concreto... flavio lacayo tiene detalles. >>> después de la que la c
san josénatalie rivera telemundo. >>> comentamos que el hombre acusado de atacar con un bate a carlos sánchezs por este acto, además dice que esto no cambie lo que hizo se siente avergonzado y arrepentido y que quiere mostrar quienes verdaderamente, también comento que le su familia colaboraron con el evento de hoy colocando letreros para darle la bienvenida al personas que llegaron. en otros asuntos un operativo en el que participaron varios agentes de la ley permitió el arresto...
Feb 21, 2023
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la vÍctima fue identificada como carlos sÁnchez. >> tambiÉn el temor de regresar a su trabajo en plenan? o alina >> un poco de miedo. lo que hizo no estÁ bien. estas pensando que te puede volver a pasar. >> vaya imÁgenes. esto sucediÓ de puede concierto. pudo hablar con saÚl, el inmigrante que fue fuertemente guiado. carla farÍas tiene el reporte. >> don saÚl se encontraba comiendo hot dos . >> por quÉ era la persona, despuÉs como en los très minutos regreso. Él se merecÍa un jondo. >> nos salpicÓ de cerveza. don saÚl nunca imaginÓ que su atacante regresarÍa para propinarle una golpiza. don saÚl quedÓ en el suelo inconsciente y tuvo que ser atendido por paramÉdicos. >> tengo la nariz quebrada. >> a lo mejor lo voy a perder. a lo mejor no. el ojo lo tengo con sangre. inclusive soy diabÉtico. ellos respondieron: no sabemos quÉ llevo al enfrentamiento. >> usted llene seguro mÉdico? >> sÍ, estoy esperando un seguro de 10 minutos de 15,000 donantes. >> se registrÓ un incendio en oakland. la iglesia se encontraba en un edificio. dijo no conocer las causas de este incendio. lo Único que queda
la vÍctima fue identificada como carlos sÁnchez. >> tambiÉn el temor de regresar a su trabajo en plenan? o alina >> un poco de miedo. lo que hizo no estÁ bien. estas pensando que te puede volver a pasar. >> vaya imÁgenes. esto sucediÓ de puede concierto. pudo hablar con saÚl, el inmigrante que fue fuertemente guiado. carla farÍas tiene el reporte. >> don saÚl se encontraba comiendo hot dos . >> por quÉ era la persona, despuÉs como en los très minutos...
Feb 27, 2023
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concho and carlos sanchez were attacked during two separate incidents nearly two weeks ago. concho was hit in the head and kicked by an unidentified man just outside of s a p center on february 16th after a concert. two days later, sanchez was attacked with a bat on old bayshore highway near highway one. oh, one police arrested context ho for attacking sanchez . they're just trying to make a living in a lot of folks don't know that. um street vending was decriminalized in 2018 send the bill 946 past and i'll send it send the bill 972 past that solidified street ending in the street, so i think we need to start getting rid of that stigma against street vendors because i didn't hear anyone complain when uh, netflix took black west radha business, and they never had a freaking mortar sponsors included armando's restaurant and then you yoga studio in millbrae, which donated $800 to buy food for the buyout. solve what happened to both of them on the news, and i wanted to help out and i figured the only way i can really help out is show up, um, and also sponsored the food for the
concho and carlos sanchez were attacked during two separate incidents nearly two weeks ago. concho was hit in the head and kicked by an unidentified man just outside of s a p center on february 16th after a concert. two days later, sanchez was attacked with a bat on old bayshore highway near highway one. oh, one police arrested context ho for attacking sanchez . they're just trying to make a living in a lot of folks don't know that. um street vending was decriminalized in 2018 send the bill 946...
Feb 7, 2023
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. >> los afectados fueron identificados como wallace alonso flores de 37 aÑos, carlos sÁnchez de 39,ro serÍa entrar en especulaciones. mira, hasta ahora hay dos personas que estÁn con heridas que no son de carÁcter grave. pero hay un tercero que si estaba un poco mÁs delicado y se encuentra todavÍa en el hospital. >> varios extranjeros aseguraron sentirse seguros en las calles de la ciudad amurallada pese a este incidente. >> hablamos que muchos policÍas en el Área. y anoche tambiÉn. nos sentimos bien. >> la policÍa de san juancontinÚa apostando a su plan de seguridad. >> hay personal de 8:00 a 5:00 de la maÑana que tengo de forma preventiva en todo el casco antiguo de la ciudad. le ando por el sectario de finanzas de coahuila declarÓ hoy en el juicio de nueva york contra el ex secretario de seguridad pÚblica mexicano. se declarÓ culpable de conspiraciÓn de lavado de dinero y dijo que garcÍa luna pagaba mÁs de 1,000,000 de dÓlares al mes al diario universal para limpiar su imagen. y en un intento por frenar la migraciÓn ilegalla casa blanca anunciÓ inversiÓn de 950,000,000 en un acue
. >> los afectados fueron identificados como wallace alonso flores de 37 aÑos, carlos sÁnchez de 39,ro serÍa entrar en especulaciones. mira, hasta ahora hay dos personas que estÁn con heridas que no son de carÁcter grave. pero hay un tercero que si estaba un poco mÁs delicado y se encuentra todavÍa en el hospital. >> varios extranjeros aseguraron sentirse seguros en las calles de la ciudad amurallada pese a este incidente. >> hablamos que muchos policÍas en el Área. y...
Feb 21, 2023
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reportera: otro vendedor ambulante es atacado a golpes e insultos— esta vez, carlos sÁnchez, quien vende pedÍa que se fuera, porque supuestamente vender en esa zona era ilegal. el sospechoso es un empleado de piezas de auto y fue arrestado y enfrenta cargos de asalto con un arma mortal e intento de robo de un vehÍculo. saÚl, un vendedor de hot dogs, tambiÉn fue violentamente agredido luego de un concierto en la misma ciudad de san josÉ. >> todavÍa tengo mi cara hinchada, dolores de cabeza y mi ojo que tengo la mitad con sangre. reportera:el atacante pidiÓ que se le regalara otro perro caliente o una bebida gratis con su compra. al golpeÓ a la vÍctima y le fracturÓ la nariz. >> tiene que ver mucho con la economÍa. todos los precios han subido y la gente quiere dinero fÁcil. la ciudad tambiÉn nos molesta. reportera: los vendedores dicen que buscar el pan de cada dÍa no las deja otros o que seguir arriesgÁndose. >> a eso se expone uno al vender en la calle. si no nos roban, nos insultan. maity: quÉ protecciones existen para estos vendedores ambulantes? reportera: buenas noches. este aÑo en
reportera: otro vendedor ambulante es atacado a golpes e insultos— esta vez, carlos sÁnchez, quien vende pedÍa que se fuera, porque supuestamente vender en esa zona era ilegal. el sospechoso es un empleado de piezas de auto y fue arrestado y enfrenta cargos de asalto con un arma mortal e intento de robo de un vehÍculo. saÚl, un vendedor de hot dogs, tambiÉn fue violentamente agredido luego de un concierto en la misma ciudad de san josÉ. >> todavÍa tengo mi cara hinchada, dolores...
Feb 21, 2023
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esta vez carlos sÁnchez, quien vende pollos asados en san josÉ, california fue agredido con un bate den esa zona era ilegal. el sospechoso es un empleado de piezas de autos y fue identificado como sujeto de 43 aÑos que fue arrestado y enfrenta cargos de asalto con un arma mortal e intento de robo de un vehÍculo. saÚl, vendedor de hotdogs, tambiÉn fue violentamente agredido despuÉs de un concierto en la misma ciudad de san josÉ. >> todavÍa tengo mi cara hinchada, dolores de cabeza y tengo mi ojo que lo tengo la mitad con sangre. dulce: el atacante pidiÓ que se le regalara otro perro caliente o una bebida gratis por su compra, y al negarse lo golpeÓ y pateÓ a la vÍctima en la cabeza y le fracturÓ la nariz. >> en este aÑo solamente 2023 han habido mÁs de 15 ataques a vendedores ambulantes. ellos se que tiene que ver mucho con la economÍa, todos los precios han subido, la gente quiere dinero fÁcil y tambiÉn no sÓlo eso, la ciudad molesta. dulce: los vendedores dicen que buscar proveer el pan de cada dÍa no les deja otra opciÓn mÁs que seguir arreglÁndose. >> a eso se expone uno al vender e
esta vez carlos sÁnchez, quien vende pollos asados en san josÉ, california fue agredido con un bate den esa zona era ilegal. el sospechoso es un empleado de piezas de autos y fue identificado como sujeto de 43 aÑos que fue arrestado y enfrenta cargos de asalto con un arma mortal e intento de robo de un vehÍculo. saÚl, vendedor de hotdogs, tambiÉn fue violentamente agredido despuÉs de un concierto en la misma ciudad de san josÉ. >> todavÍa tengo mi cara hinchada, dolores de cabeza...
Feb 21, 2023
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sospechosos del ataque del sábado del que hacía referencia fátima en san josé, (nombre en inglés) carlos sáncheztenga una preocupación por su seguridad pueden mandar un correo a su oficina . >> hablamos de turquía otro sismo de 6,3 sacudió el sur del país, ocurrió en la misma zona del terremoto, han muerto tres personas y 200 heridas, el terremoto se sintió en egipto y el líbano, piden a personas en edificios que los abandonen si hay riesgo de derrumbe (música) (música) ahora es tiempo de hablar de las condiciones del tiempo antes vemos san francisco, nos gusta ver la toma del (nombre en inglés) . >> hermoso, guillermo nos dice de las condiciones, seguimos con condiciones despejadas?. >> felicidades en el día de presidentes, un día estupendo pero vienen cambios drásticos, sinceramente, drásticos para todos en california, comparado con el día de hoy, así se vive al momento agradables las temperaturas superiores a los 60 grados, el panorama con nublados se incrementa a lo largo de la noche, aproveche la tarde bella, templada porque ya a partir de mañana, de hecho, en las próximas horas entra el ca
sospechosos del ataque del sábado del que hacía referencia fátima en san josé, (nombre en inglés) carlos sáncheztenga una preocupación por su seguridad pueden mandar un correo a su oficina . >> hablamos de turquía otro sismo de 6,3 sacudió el sur del país, ocurrió en la misma zona del terremoto, han muerto tres personas y 200 heridas, el terremoto se sintió en egipto y el líbano, piden a personas en edificios que los abandonen si hay riesgo de derrumbe (música) (música)...
Feb 26, 2023
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the other victim is carlos sanchez. he was assaulted a week ago saturday by the owner of a nearby automotive shop who wanted him to leave the area. that man is facing self-charges. one local influencer is hoping the community comes out to support those san jose vendors for a vendor buyout. both of the attacked vendors will be there cooking and selling. it will be outside of intex auto parts in san jose at 1:00 p.m. today. >>> in the east bay, police are investigating several more sideshows in oakland. take a look. that illegal street show happened friday night near keller avenue. another was on grand avenue, and a third happened near eddie's avenue and haydenberger. and take a look at that. a big rig was involved in one of the chaotic scenes. you can see the semi truck driving in donuts as people cheer and jump on the back. opd is now investigating. >>> it is 7:09 right now. we do have much more ahead. coming up, we take you live to washington, d.c. for our weekly interview with chuck todd, who has a preview of when i w
the other victim is carlos sanchez. he was assaulted a week ago saturday by the owner of a nearby automotive shop who wanted him to leave the area. that man is facing self-charges. one local influencer is hoping the community comes out to support those san jose vendors for a vendor buyout. both of the attacked vendors will be there cooking and selling. it will be outside of intex auto parts in san jose at 1:00 p.m. today. >>> in the east bay, police are investigating several more...
Feb 20, 2023
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asegura que sospechoso ya habría exigido que se fuera el al no hacerlo regresó con un bate béisbol, carlos sánchez denegó el lado lo amenazó para que dejara grabarlo . >>> me pegó a mí, al asador quizo llevar el carro, llamó las autoridades poco después fue identificado (nombre en inglés) se con 23 años y enfrentan cargos un arma mortal, la policía dijo que el hombre trató de mover el carro de la víctima la fuerza por lo que el agregó un cargo de intento de robo de automóvil . >>> carlos publicó el vídeo en las redes sociales y llamó la atención activistas, vinimos al decídete los derechos que tiene y como puede aplicar para una visa, el incidente también motivó a clientes a venir apoyarlo . >>> dice que nadie debería ser tratado si, por su parte el alcalde san josé (nombre en inglés) dice que el vídeo fue perturbador, asegura que la policía está siguiendo este incidente muy cerca y que harán su mejor esfuerzo por aumentar la presencia policial en lugares se multitudes donde normalmente suelen haber más vendedores . >>> nuevamente el sospechosoes empleado, nos hemos comunicado con la agencia pero
asegura que sospechoso ya habría exigido que se fuera el al no hacerlo regresó con un bate béisbol, carlos sánchez denegó el lado lo amenazó para que dejara grabarlo . >>> me pegó a mí, al asador quizo llevar el carro, llamó las autoridades poco después fue identificado (nombre en inglés) se con 23 años y enfrentan cargos un arma mortal, la policía dijo que el hombre trató de mover el carro de la víctima la fuerza por lo que el agregó un cargo de intento de robo de...
Feb 27, 2023
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carlos sanchez, you remember, was taunted and even threatened by a man with a baseball bat, and days, saul was brutally attacked from behind and knocked unconscious. today both victims served customers at the site where sanchez was attacked. >> i feel blessed with all of these people around trying to help us i. >> think it shows that society does not approve of those actions. they are a big part of the economy. they are a demographic that is at risk every day. dion: so true. the man who is accused of attacking sanchez has been arrested, and since put out a formal apology for his actions. the powerful winter storm is leaving its mark across california. ooh, it in one city, a cliffside just crumbles, taking, as you saw, homes with it. spencer: as today's storm winds down, get ready for another one tomorrow. i have a closer look at the forecast, coming -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. dion: our stormwatch coverage takes us to southern califo
carlos sanchez, you remember, was taunted and even threatened by a man with a baseball bat, and days, saul was brutally attacked from behind and knocked unconscious. today both victims served customers at the site where sanchez was attacked. >> i feel blessed with all of these people around trying to help us i. >> think it shows that society does not approve of those actions. they are a big part of the economy. they are a demographic that is at risk every day. dion: so true. the man...
Feb 21, 2023
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year-old kenny an employee from the auto parts store came out with a bat and started assaulting carlos sanchez as he was standing up that span. police say that whole got inside sanchez's car and attempted to move it. >> still because not only am i the only one that is the vendor, my wife, that the vendors well, and i'm concerned about her well-being and being a vendor as well as my friend. that also have this as their source of income and what could happen to but i hope that other people >> that might have the same thought as the packers will watch this and be able to see that it's not ok to attack other people. >> was arrested and faces charges of assault with a deadly weapon and attempted carjacking. now this is coming after another street vendor was attacked outside of the essay peace center in san jose. the victim. >> saul reconco was kicked and punched in the face after an altercation over a hot dog. he suffered a broken nose, black eye and swollen face. san jose police are investigating. >> what is your >> a man caught on video hurling eggs and racial slurs at passengers on a san francis
year-old kenny an employee from the auto parts store came out with a bat and started assaulting carlos sanchez as he was standing up that span. police say that whole got inside sanchez's car and attempted to move it. >> still because not only am i the only one that is the vendor, my wife, that the vendors well, and i'm concerned about her well-being and being a vendor as well as my friend. that also have this as their source of income and what could happen to but i hope that other people...
Feb 27, 2023
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carlos sanchez, you may remember, was taunted and even threatened by a man with a baseball bat, and daysarlier, saul rococo was brutally attacked from behind and knocked unconscious. today both victims served customers at the site where sanchez was attacked. >> i feel blessed with all of these people around trying to help us. >> i think it shows that society does not approve of those actions to you know, they are a big part of the economy and they are a demographic that is at risk every day. dion: definitely true. the man accused of attacking sanchez has been arrested, and since put out a formal apology for his actions. be said about the man who assaulted him. a hiker is recovering after a dramatic rescue by the coast guard. take a look at this, the dolphin helicopter crew posted the stranded riker at about six people in the morning at muscle rock beach. officials say the man reported he was stuck on the beach with no way back up the cliff, that was 90 minutes prior. san mateo county fire could not help him because of the steep terrain, so the coast guard says the rescue was successful b
carlos sanchez, you may remember, was taunted and even threatened by a man with a baseball bat, and daysarlier, saul rococo was brutally attacked from behind and knocked unconscious. today both victims served customers at the site where sanchez was attacked. >> i feel blessed with all of these people around trying to help us. >> i think it shows that society does not approve of those actions to you know, they are a big part of the economy and they are a demographic that is at risk...
Feb 27, 2023
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video shows the owner of intex auto parts attacking carlos sanchez with a baseball bat. he even threatened him with a can of lighter fluid. he was arrested on charges of assault and attempted carjacking. saul said he was punch and kicked by a customer after he demanded a free hot dog. this attacker has yet to be identified. >> armondo's bar and restaurant came and donated a good amount to the vendors. what a blessing. >> reporter: a street vendor activist from l.a. helped organize this community buy out at the same location carlos was recently attacked. >> street vendors do not have time off, don't have paid leave or days off. the importance of a community buy out is for them to take time off if they want to. because they went through something traumatic. >> reporter: saul on the left and carlos on the right were both at the buy out where hundreds showed up. >> carlos sold out in the first six minutes. people were already lined up since 12:00. by 1:06 p.m. he had sold out. they had brg him differenst tea. kesaying thank you over and over. he is very grateful. >> reporter
video shows the owner of intex auto parts attacking carlos sanchez with a baseball bat. he even threatened him with a can of lighter fluid. he was arrested on charges of assault and attempted carjacking. saul said he was punch and kicked by a customer after he demanded a free hot dog. this attacker has yet to be identified. >> armondo's bar and restaurant came and donated a good amount to the vendors. what a blessing. >> reporter: a street vendor activist from l.a. helped organize...
Feb 20, 2023
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. >> reporter: carlos sanchez ms. manning has barbecue grill on the road outside with the owner of the business, identified as kenny hello, decided to take what he considered an illegal matter into his own hands. >> take it easy. >> this is illegal. you are being illegal. are you recording that. go ahead. go. you want to do this? >> reporter: after threatening him with a can of lighter fluid, he ran to sanchez's pickup to move or damage at. and then after that, sanchez himself was attached directly with a baseball bat. >> are you ready? go. >> reporter: after the encounter, sanchez called police. they arrested hello on charges with attack on a deadly weapon and attempted carjacking. the auto parts business is closed sunday but sanchez was back barbecuing chicken and ribs near the on ramp to 880. he says the officers told him he was not bothering anyone and could stay at that spot. >> translator: i was afraid to show up in today. since the officer told me i am not hurting anybody, i decided to come back today. i do wor
. >> reporter: carlos sanchez ms. manning has barbecue grill on the road outside with the owner of the business, identified as kenny hello, decided to take what he considered an illegal matter into his own hands. >> take it easy. >> this is illegal. you are being illegal. are you recording that. go ahead. go. you want to do this? >> reporter: after threatening him with a can of lighter fluid, he ran to sanchez's pickup to move or damage at. and then after that, sanchez...
Feb 25, 2023
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back in san jose video shows vendor carlos sanchez being taunted and threatened by a man with a baseball. days earlier this video was captured of the spender being brutally attacked and being knocked unconscious. >> money. amanda: they will both serve as visitors at the site where sanchez was attacked along old bayshore highway in san jose beginning sunday at 1:00 p.m. until they sell out. >> people are going to show up, dry food, there will be music. you can get to know them and have a celebration. amanda: supporting two men whose traumatic experiences were caught on camera and quickly went viral. the shock still settling in for many, including veggielution, that runs a training program for east san jose residents. >> a lot of the entrepreneurs are women. this is definitely an issue that comes up. if they were to go out on their own to be selling their food, what kind of risk does this put them at? amanda: the man of accused of attacking sanchez has been arrested and put out a formal apology. he hopes to soon can be said about the man who assaulted him. >> the only thing i say is there
back in san jose video shows vendor carlos sanchez being taunted and threatened by a man with a baseball. days earlier this video was captured of the spender being brutally attacked and being knocked unconscious. >> money. amanda: they will both serve as visitors at the site where sanchez was attacked along old bayshore highway in san jose beginning sunday at 1:00 p.m. until they sell out. >> people are going to show up, dry food, there will be music. you can get to know them and...
Feb 20, 2023
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. >> reporter: the attack came quickly. [ audio not understandable ] carlos sanchez was manning his barbecue grill on the road outside of this auto parts store when the owner of the business, decided to take what he considered an illegal matter into his own hands. [ audio not understandable ] >> reporter: after threatening him with a can of lighter fluid, he ran to the pick up to try to move or damage it. [ shouting ] after that, sanchez was attacked directly with the baseball bat. after the encounter, sanchez called police. they arrested the man on charges of attack with a deadly weapon, and attempted carjacking. the auto parts business is closed on sunday. that sanchez was back, barbecuing chicken and ribs near the on ramp to 880. he said the officer told him he was not bothering anyone, and s afraid to show up again today, but since the officer told me that i am not hurting anybody, i decided to come back today. i do worry that it will happen meituaon and be able to support my family. that is all i want to do. >> reporter: when it comes to support, he is getting plenty from the community.
. >> reporter: the attack came quickly. [ audio not understandable ] carlos sanchez was manning his barbecue grill on the road outside of this auto parts store when the owner of the business, decided to take what he considered an illegal matter into his own hands. [ audio not understandable ] >> reporter: after threatening him with a can of lighter fluid, he ran to the pick up to try to move or damage it. [ shouting ] after that, sanchez was attacked directly with the baseball bat....
Feb 20, 2023
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carlos sanchez says the man told him to leave and attacked him when he wouldn't. >> this is illegal. >> take it easy. >> reporter: carlos started recording when he saw an employee from the business next door, intex auto parts, threaten him. carlos was hit on his arm and hip. the vendor called police, as jpd later identified the suspect as 43-year-old that was arrested on charges for assault with a deadly weapon. police say he also tried to move carlos' car by force, so they added an attempted carjacking charge. he posted the video on social media, where it garnered the attention of activists, like this one, who says she will help him look into resources for obtaining a new visa as an immigrant. >> matt mahan said venders don't deserve this. >> our department is tracking this closely and where we know that there are vendors with larger crowds, we are going to do our best to step up the police presence. >> reporter: once again, the suspect is an employee at intex auto parts. we've reached out but we're still waiting to hear back. >>> as we mentioned, that incident comes on the heels of
carlos sanchez says the man told him to leave and attacked him when he wouldn't. >> this is illegal. >> take it easy. >> reporter: carlos started recording when he saw an employee from the business next door, intex auto parts, threaten him. carlos was hit on his arm and hip. the vendor called police, as jpd later identified the suspect as 43-year-old that was arrested on charges for assault with a deadly weapon. police say he also tried to move carlos' car by force, so they...
Feb 21, 2023
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text ho arrested for this bad attack on vendor carlos sanchez near highway 101 and old bayshore highway. are working, doing their deal and i find it abhorrent. i am disgusted by the fact that they would attack somebody like that they could be easy targets. legal analyst and former prosecutor stephen clark says the whole case could include hate crime charges because of statements and posting made about the victims immigration status. those are the kind of things that prosecutors can review to see whether this is the type of case that not only was vandalism and assault but should a hate crime enhancement be used? clark and others calling for more security of this vulnerable group of workers? those who work these cards realizing they could never be more than one transaction away from trouble. people drunk i want to take the dog for free or something like that. that was the alleged motive behind the attack on vendor saul run concho thursday. if you have any information about that case, you're asked to call san jose police. we're live outside asap center here in downtown san jose , jesse gar
text ho arrested for this bad attack on vendor carlos sanchez near highway 101 and old bayshore highway. are working, doing their deal and i find it abhorrent. i am disgusted by the fact that they would attack somebody like that they could be easy targets. legal analyst and former prosecutor stephen clark says the whole case could include hate crime charges because of statements and posting made about the victims immigration status. those are the kind of things that prosecutors can review to...
Feb 22, 2023
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carlos sanchez near highway 101. it happened to carlos sanchez near highway 101 old bayshore road. isn't a new crime wave or anything like that going on against our mobile vendors and vendors that are out there. these are two completely isolated incidents, one from the other. they have nothing to do with each other other than the victim's our vendors. alright we're very empathetic to everyone's needs, especially our vendors that are out there trying to make a living. police say ho is charged with assault with a deadly weapon and attempted carjacking. now to the mountains. we go new snow coming down in the sierra berkeley snow lab and soda springs tweeted this video earlier today, tahoe having a pretty big winter, it's nice to see more coming down and build. uh we're not done with winner yet. no we're really just kind of tipping different back into it. after a big delay, right? we had 70 degree temperatures just yesterday and here we are down into the sixties. tomorrow we're going to be down into the fifties and after that, and the upper forties. the wind advisory stays in effect. t
carlos sanchez near highway 101. it happened to carlos sanchez near highway 101 old bayshore road. isn't a new crime wave or anything like that going on against our mobile vendors and vendors that are out there. these are two completely isolated incidents, one from the other. they have nothing to do with each other other than the victim's our vendors. alright we're very empathetic to everyone's needs, especially our vendors that are out there trying to make a living. police say ho is charged...
Feb 27, 2023
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carlos sanchez was attacked in front of in tax auto parts the following saturday video shows a man coming out of a nearby business with a baseball bat and attacking sanchez. police arrested the owner of nearby in tax auto parts, kenny home in connection with the attack. the shop's facebook page has been flooded with negative comments since then this week. hope posted a statement to facebook saying in part i deeply regret my treatment of the gentleman who set up a vending locations outside of my family's auto parts store. he continued to say he's ashamed of his conduct and he's sorry to everyone in the community that was affected by his behavior. sanchez was at today's event, but he didn't want to talk on camera. he was busy cooking up lots of chicken and thanking people for coming out eden and i'm organized the event. he's an activist and says >> statement seems more like damage control than an apology. basing on 30 telling them. >> i don't believe thing so yeah, i don't think it's any land. >> there were several sponsors who pay for the food and people who attended made donations. all th
carlos sanchez was attacked in front of in tax auto parts the following saturday video shows a man coming out of a nearby business with a baseball bat and attacking sanchez. police arrested the owner of nearby in tax auto parts, kenny home in connection with the attack. the shop's facebook page has been flooded with negative comments since then this week. hope posted a statement to facebook saying in part i deeply regret my treatment of the gentleman who set up a vending locations outside of my...
Feb 20, 2023
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que el sospechoso le había exigido que se fuera y a no hacerlo regresó con un bate de béisbol, carlos sánchezzó para que dejara su puesto. >>> llegó pegándole al asador, me amenazó, quiso llevarse el carro. >>> dice que le dio en el brazo y la cadera. >>> carlos llamó a las autoridades poco después, el hombre fue identificado como (en inglés) te cuente tres años y fue arrestado y enfrenta cargos por asalto con un arma mortal y la policía dijo que el hombre trató de mover el carro de la víctima a la fuerza así que tiene también un intento de robo y automóvil. >>> carlos publicó el video en las redes sociales y llamó la atención de activistas. >>> venimos a decirles de los derechos que tiene y también como ajustar. >>> esto también motivo a clientes para venir a apoyarlo. >>> dice que nadie debería ser tratado así. >>> por su parte el alcalde de san josé dice que el video fue perturbador pero asegura que la policía está siguiendo estos incidentes muy de cerca y que hará su mejor esfuerzo por aumentar la presencia policial en lugares con multitudes donde usualmente suelen haber más vendedores, n
que el sospechoso le había exigido que se fuera y a no hacerlo regresó con un bate de béisbol, carlos sánchezzó para que dejara su puesto. >>> llegó pegándole al asador, me amenazó, quiso llevarse el carro. >>> dice que le dio en el brazo y la cadera. >>> carlos llamó a las autoridades poco después, el hombre fue identificado como (en inglés) te cuente tres años y fue arrestado y enfrenta cargos por asalto con un arma mortal y la policía dijo que el...
Feb 27, 2023
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people sit along old bayshore highway waiting to get a taste of the food served up by carlos sanchezthe two street vendors attacked during the same week in san jose . people know we had a street vendors were and we just service bit vendors concho and carlos sanchez were attacked during two separate incidents nearly two weeks ago. concho was hit in the head and kicked by an unidentified man just outside of s a p center on february 16th after a concert. two days later , sanchez was attacked with a bat on old bayshore highway near highway one. oh one police arrested context ho for attacking sanchez. they're just trying to make a living in a lot of folks don't know that. um street vending was decriminalized in 2018 send the bill 946 past and i'll send it send the bill 972 past that solidified street ending in the street, so i think we need to start getting rid of that stigma against street vendors because i didn't hear anyone complain when netflix took blockbuster out of business, and they never had a brick and mortar sponsors included armando's restaurant and then you yoga studio in mil
people sit along old bayshore highway waiting to get a taste of the food served up by carlos sanchezthe two street vendors attacked during the same week in san jose . people know we had a street vendors were and we just service bit vendors concho and carlos sanchez were attacked during two separate incidents nearly two weeks ago. concho was hit in the head and kicked by an unidentified man just outside of s a p center on february 16th after a concert. two days later , sanchez was attacked with...
Feb 28, 2023
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people sit along old bayshore highway waiting to get a taste of the food served up by carlos sanchezendors attacked during the same week in san jose. people know that we had a street vendors were we just service pitt street vendors were concho and carlos sanchez were attacked during two separate incidents nearly two weeks ago. concho was hit in the head and kicked by an unidentified man just outside of s a p center on february 16th after a concert. two days later , sanchez was attacked with a bat on old bayshore highway near highway one. oh, one police arrested context ho for attacking sanchez. they're just trying to make a living in a lot of folks don't know that. um street vending was decriminalized in 2018 senate bill 946 past and i'll send it send the bill 972 past that solidified street ending in the street, so i think we need to start getting rid of that stigma against street vendors because i didn't hear anyone complain when netflix took blockbuster outta business, and they never had a brick and mortar sponsors included armando's restaurant. and then you yoga studio in millbra
people sit along old bayshore highway waiting to get a taste of the food served up by carlos sanchezendors attacked during the same week in san jose. people know that we had a street vendors were we just service pitt street vendors were concho and carlos sanchez were attacked during two separate incidents nearly two weeks ago. concho was hit in the head and kicked by an unidentified man just outside of s a p center on february 16th after a concert. two days later , sanchez was attacked with a...
Feb 28, 2023
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concho and carlos sanchez were attacked during two separate incidents nearly two weeks ago. concho was hit in the head and kicked by an unidentified man just outside of s a p center on february 16th after a concert. two days later , sanchez was attacked with a bat on old bayshore highway near highway one. oh one police arrested context ho for attacking sanchez. they're just trying to make a living in a lot of folks don't know that. um street vending was decriminalized in 2018 send the bill 946 past and i'll send it send the bill 972 past that solidified street ending in the street, so i think we need to start getting rid of that stigma against street vendors because i didn't hear anyone complain when netflix took blockbuster outta business and they never had a freaking mortar sponsors included armando's restaurant and then you yoga studio in millbrae, which donated $800 to buy food for the buyout. saw what happened to both of them on the news, and i wanted to help out and i figured the only way i can really help out is show up, um, and also sponsor the food for the buyout. s
concho and carlos sanchez were attacked during two separate incidents nearly two weeks ago. concho was hit in the head and kicked by an unidentified man just outside of s a p center on february 16th after a concert. two days later , sanchez was attacked with a bat on old bayshore highway near highway one. oh one police arrested context ho for attacking sanchez. they're just trying to make a living in a lot of folks don't know that. um street vending was decriminalized in 2018 send the bill 946...
Feb 27, 2023
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but just a week ago at this very spot -- carlos sanchez filmed as an employee from a nearby business attacked him with a baseball bat. he's feeling the love from the south bay community. saul reconco is thankful, too. he was targeted while selling hot dogs outside the s.a.p. center earlier this month. since then, activists decided to step in, driving all the way from l.a. to promote sunday's buyout event. >> street vendors don't get days off, so i think they deserve a little financial stability and the support of the community. >> reporter: other vendors pitched in. >> i sold five gallons of fresca and 180 cups. from all the proceeds i made today, which was about $900, i broke it in half and gave it to them. >> reporter: meanwhile, carlos and saul admit they worry they could be targeted again. but they say the bills don't wait. now, activists and lawyers are also trying to work with them to petition for a visa as immigrant victims of a crime. reporting in san jose, natalie vera, nbc bay area news. >>> meantime, the auto shop employee charged in the attack posted another apology on fa
but just a week ago at this very spot -- carlos sanchez filmed as an employee from a nearby business attacked him with a baseball bat. he's feeling the love from the south bay community. saul reconco is thankful, too. he was targeted while selling hot dogs outside the s.a.p. center earlier this month. since then, activists decided to step in, driving all the way from l.a. to promote sunday's buyout event. >> street vendors don't get days off, so i think they deserve a little financial...
Feb 28, 2023
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it appears the owner attacking carlos sanchez with a baseball bat. he also threatened him with a can of lighter fluid. in sunday, auto parts posted on facebook "i continue to be embarrassed and regretful about my actions. yesterday my family and i cleaned up the area for the event. we put up a big sign saying everyone is welcome." . >>> tomorrow in santa clara county is looking to dispose of guns. >> already have access to a gun or a child have access to a gun in their home. >> they push for changes they say will make it easier to dispose of unwanted guns. they also want people to know they can turn their guns in at the sheriff's off the at any time. california has gun laws, but there could be more coming, we spoke to a gun store manager who says the push for gun control is helping his business. >>> and turning into a dangerous habit this young woman says threatened her mental health. could the teen in your life be doing it too? coming up, this risky online behavior as cbs investigates kids in crisis. >>> a constant rain now canceling a new favorite
it appears the owner attacking carlos sanchez with a baseball bat. he also threatened him with a can of lighter fluid. in sunday, auto parts posted on facebook "i continue to be embarrassed and regretful about my actions. yesterday my family and i cleaned up the area for the event. we put up a big sign saying everyone is welcome." . >>> tomorrow in santa clara county is looking to dispose of guns. >> already have access to a gun or a child have access to a gun in their...
Feb 27, 2023
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two days later the police say carlos sanchez was assaulted by an owner of a store. organizers want the men to take time to recover. >> most importantly street vendors don't get days off. they deserve a little financial stability and support of the community to get a few days off and be able to deal with the trauma they just went through. >> reporter: it was held at the same spot where sanchez was attacked. the suspect is facing several charges. the police are still looking for the suspect in the first attack. >>> new at 6:00. we are learning more about where the covid-19 virus may have originated from. the energy department concluded with low confidence that the pandemic likely originated from i laboratory leak. two sources with direct knowledge told nbc news. a u.s. official told nbc news that the classified report maintains that covid-19 was not the result of a bio weapon and most likely the result of an accident. the energy department is one of 18 agencies that make up the u.s. intelligence community that is divided over the origins of covid-19. when asked about
two days later the police say carlos sanchez was assaulted by an owner of a store. organizers want the men to take time to recover. >> most importantly street vendors don't get days off. they deserve a little financial stability and support of the community to get a few days off and be able to deal with the trauma they just went through. >> reporter: it was held at the same spot where sanchez was attacked. the suspect is facing several charges. the police are still looking for the...
Feb 20, 2023
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. >> carlos sanchez was manning his bar-be-que grill outside of the in-tech shop. >> you being an illegal. you want to do this? >> after threatening him with a can of lighter fluid, he then moved to the pickup truck to try to stop him. >> take it easy. >> then after that, sanchez himself was attacked directly with a baseball bat. >> you ready. go. go. >> reporter: after the encounter sanchez called police. they arrested on charges of attack with a deadly weapon and attempted carjacking. the auto parts business is closed on sunday but sanchez was back bar-be-quing chicken and ribs near the onramp to 880. he says the officers told him he wasn't bothering anyone and could stay at that spot. >> yeah, i was afraid to show up e again today but since the officer told me that i'm not hurting anybody or in anybody's way i could come back today. i do worry it will happen again but i feel i can overcome the situation and just be able to support my family here. that's all i want to do. >> reporter: but when it comes to support he's getting plenty from the community as customers and community activist
. >> carlos sanchez was manning his bar-be-que grill outside of the in-tech shop. >> you being an illegal. you want to do this? >> after threatening him with a can of lighter fluid, he then moved to the pickup truck to try to stop him. >> take it easy. >> then after that, sanchez himself was attacked directly with a baseball bat. >> you ready. go. go. >> reporter: after the encounter sanchez called police. they arrested on charges of attack with a...
Feb 21, 2023
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vendedor ambulante >>> miren nada mÁs estas imÁgenes >>> este ataque documentado por la vÍctima carlos sÁnchezientras vendÍa comida el sÁbado por la maÑana >>> llegÓ pegando me amenazÓ, quiso llevarse el carro solo me dijo vete de aquÍ al instante me comenzÓ agredir. >> esta es la segunda agresiÓn a un vendedor ambulante en 3 dÍas el jueves por la noche otro vendedor fue agredido a golpes afuera de la arena (nombre en inglÉs) tambiÉn en san josÉ california >>> crece la conmociÓn en houston despuÉs de un hombre que matara a su hija y 2 amigas de ella y despuÉs quitarse la vida >> la madurez bioel apoyo de sus allegados en su casa en donde ocurriÓ esta masacre cuando ella no estaba primero asesinÓ a su hija mayor de 19 aÑos y luego la niÑa de 13 y la amiga de 14 y despuÉs atacÓ sexualmente a una niÑa de solamente 12 aÑos y le ordenÓ que huyera sobreviviÓ igual que un bebÉ de un aÑo hija de la joven embarazada asesinada la desesperada mamÁ comparte la pesadilla que estÁ viviendo. >> quiero venir mi nieta para acÁ pero no quiere que haya reporteros no quiere venir y quiero que Él venga necesito qu
vendedor ambulante >>> miren nada mÁs estas imÁgenes >>> este ataque documentado por la vÍctima carlos sÁnchezientras vendÍa comida el sÁbado por la maÑana >>> llegÓ pegando me amenazÓ, quiso llevarse el carro solo me dijo vete de aquÍ al instante me comenzÓ agredir. >> esta es la segunda agresiÓn a un vendedor ambulante en 3 dÍas el jueves por la noche otro vendedor fue agredido a golpes afuera de la arena (nombre en inglÉs) tambiÉn en san josÉ...
Feb 21, 2023
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. >> reporter: police say the owner of this auto parts store attacked carlos sanchez after ordering him to leave the property outside his store on old bay shore highway. carlos says the suspect struck his barbecue grill with the baseball bat. and then struck him. police arrested 43-year-old kenny ho now facing charges of assault with a deadly weapon and attempted carjacking. an employee at the auto parts store said ho was not in the office today. >> it is incredibly disturbing. my heart goes out to the victims of the violence. >> reporter: the san jose mayor tweeted about the attacks over the weekend and is pledging more protection for street vendors. >> we are going to do our best to step up the police presence and just keep a closer eye on this, and keep our street vendors safe. >> reporter: he says he follows all the rules to avoid problems even showing us his vendor's permit that allows him to safely set up shop on a sidewalk. but today he admits he has been a little extra vigilant. in san jose, damian trujillo, nbc bay area news. >>> the pressure keeps coming. calls to get oakland
. >> reporter: police say the owner of this auto parts store attacked carlos sanchez after ordering him to leave the property outside his store on old bay shore highway. carlos says the suspect struck his barbecue grill with the baseball bat. and then struck him. police arrested 43-year-old kenny ho now facing charges of assault with a deadly weapon and attempted carjacking. an employee at the auto parts store said ho was not in the office today. >> it is incredibly disturbing. my...
Feb 20, 2023
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>> sí, hace poco hablamos con carlos sánchez y podemos ver que guarda sus cosas después de un día laboral dice que lleva en este puesto en esta esquina más o -1 semana gracias a este incidente porque el video se volvió viral vivimos muchos clientes que vinieron para apoyarlo dice que fue atacado por un empleado de un negocio de este lado la policía de san josé anunció que el sospechoso ha sido arrestado carlos grabó el incidente y se volvió viral en redes sociales como dije en el video se puede ver el hombre llegar con un bate repetidamente con insultos le dice que se vaya esta persona se ve exaltada y amenaza el vendedor diciéndole que trabaja de manera ilegal también le dice eres ilegal a carlos se le escucha responder en inglés y solo le dice que se calme el padre de familia cuenta que el sospechoso le pegó en el brazo y en la cadera >> comenzó a golpear la camioneta, pues que a nadie le pase por qué corren riesgo su vida y cuando sean casos así buscar ayuda >> según la policía de san josé el sospechoso de 43 años enfrenta cargos por asalto con un arma mortal la policía también dijo qu
>> sí, hace poco hablamos con carlos sánchez y podemos ver que guarda sus cosas después de un día laboral dice que lleva en este puesto en esta esquina más o -1 semana gracias a este incidente porque el video se volvió viral vivimos muchos clientes que vinieron para apoyarlo dice que fue atacado por un empleado de un negocio de este lado la policía de san josé anunció que el sospechoso ha sido arrestado carlos grabó el incidente y se volvió viral en redes sociales como dije en...
Feb 27, 2023
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to days after that, police say carlos sanchez was assaulted by the owner of intext auto parts on old bay shore highway. they want the two men to take time to recover. >> street vendors don't get days off. they deserve a little financial stability and the support of the community so they can get a few days off and be able to deal with the trauma they just went through. >> the buyout was held at the same spot sanchez was attacked. a suspect is facing several charges in that case. police are still looking for a suspect in the first attack. >>> a follow-up on a story out of the east bay. a congregation in oakland is back together again after a fire ripped through their house of worship. ♪♪ >> yes, they are back. spirits were high as members of the first african methodist episcopal church in oakland gathered this morning. this is the first service since a fire destroyed the property at 37th and telegraph. the nearby synagogue is hosting them for the time being. first african methodist episcopal church has been in oakland for nearly 70 years. >>> organizers said rain or shine there would b
to days after that, police say carlos sanchez was assaulted by the owner of intext auto parts on old bay shore highway. they want the two men to take time to recover. >> street vendors don't get days off. they deserve a little financial stability and the support of the community so they can get a few days off and be able to deal with the trauma they just went through. >> the buyout was held at the same spot sanchez was attacked. a suspect is facing several charges in that case....
Feb 27, 2023
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carlos sanchez was attacked in front of in tax auto parts the following saturday video shows a man coming out of a nearby business with a baseball bat and attacking sanchez. police arrested the owner of nearby in tax auto parts, kenny home in connection with the attack. the shop's facebook page has been flooded with negative comments since then this week co posted a statement to facebook saying in part. >> i deeply regret my treatment of the gentleman who set up a vending locations outside of my family's auto parts store in a separate email to kron 4 said i would like to say how sorry i am personally and to make up for my actions, adding he'd clean up the area and put up signs, welcoming people to sunday's event. sanchez was at the event, but he didn't want to talk on camera. he was busy cooking up lots of chicken and thanking people for coming out. be done and i'm organized the event. he's an activist and says. >> whoa, statement seems more like damage control than an apology. mason, 8.30, telling them. >> how do this thing so yeah, i don't think it's anywhere. >> there were several for
carlos sanchez was attacked in front of in tax auto parts the following saturday video shows a man coming out of a nearby business with a baseball bat and attacking sanchez. police arrested the owner of nearby in tax auto parts, kenny home in connection with the attack. the shop's facebook page has been flooded with negative comments since then this week co posted a statement to facebook saying in part. >> i deeply regret my treatment of the gentleman who set up a vending locations...
Feb 21, 2023
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carlos sanchez says he was setting up a stand when an employee from in tax auto parts came out with a bat and started assaulting him. the suspect kenny hole then got inside sanchez's car and attempted to move it. a flor martinez with a nonprofit celebration nation came out the next day to try and help sanchez. we sanchez how he is feeling with martinez interpreting. >> still because not only am i the only one that is the vendor. my wife is a vendor's. and i'm concerned about her well-being and being a vendor as well as my friend. that also have this as their source of income and what could happen to but i hope that other people >> that might have the same thought as the attacker will watch this and be able to see that it's not ok to attack other people. >> police arrested this man. 43 year-old that they don't have a first name that just have the last name of hole first they not provided. he's been booked on into jail on charges of assault with a deadly weapon and attempted carjacking. we reached out to in tax auto parts for response and have not heard back. sanchez says that he's goin
carlos sanchez says he was setting up a stand when an employee from in tax auto parts came out with a bat and started assaulting him. the suspect kenny hole then got inside sanchez's car and attempted to move it. a flor martinez with a nonprofit celebration nation came out the next day to try and help sanchez. we sanchez how he is feeling with martinez interpreting. >> still because not only am i the only one that is the vendor. my wife is a vendor's. and i'm concerned about her...
Feb 21, 2023
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. >> carlos sanchez was manning his barbecue grill on the road outside of intech's auto-parts when the owner of the business, identified as kenny howe decided to take what he considered and illegal matter into his own hands. >> take it easy. >> this is illegal. you're being illegal. you recording that? no problem. go-ahead. you are a criminal. yeah, go. you want to do this? >> after threatening him with a can of lighter fluid, how then ran to sanchez's pickup, to try to move or damage it. and then, after that, sanchez himself was attacked directly with a baseball bat. >> go. go. >> after the encounter, sanchez called police. they arrested on charges of attack with a deadly weapon and attempted carjacking. the auto-parts business is closed on sunday, but sanchez was back, barbecuing chicken and ribs near the on ramp to 880. he says the officers told him he wasn't bothering anyone and could state in the spot. >> i was afraid to show up again today but since the officer told me that i'm not hurting anybody or in anybody's way i decided to come back today. i do worry that it will happen ag
. >> carlos sanchez was manning his barbecue grill on the road outside of intech's auto-parts when the owner of the business, identified as kenny howe decided to take what he considered and illegal matter into his own hands. >> take it easy. >> this is illegal. you're being illegal. you recording that? no problem. go-ahead. you are a criminal. yeah, go. you want to do this? >> after threatening him with a can of lighter fluid, how then ran to sanchez's pickup, to try to...
Feb 27, 2023
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people sit along old bayshore highway waiting to get a taste of the food served up by carlos sanchez and south concho , the two street vendors attacked during the same week in san jose. people know that we had a street vendors were we just service pitt street vendors were concho and carlos sanchez were attacked during two separate incidents nearly two weeks ago. concho was hit in the head and kicked by an unidentified man just outside of s a p center on february 16th after a concert. two days later , sanchez was attacked with a bat on old bayshore highway near highway one. oh, one police arrested context ho for attacking sanchez. they're just trying to make a living in a lot of folks don't know that. um street vending was decriminalized in 2018 send the bill 946 past and i'll send it send the bill 972 past that solidified street ending in the street, so i think we need to start getting rid of that stigma against street vendors because i didn't hear anyone complain when netflix took blockbuster outta business and they never had a fricking mortars. sponsors included armando's restauran
people sit along old bayshore highway waiting to get a taste of the food served up by carlos sanchez and south concho , the two street vendors attacked during the same week in san jose. people know that we had a street vendors were we just service pitt street vendors were concho and carlos sanchez were attacked during two separate incidents nearly two weeks ago. concho was hit in the head and kicked by an unidentified man just outside of s a p center on february 16th after a concert. two days...
Feb 27, 2023
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people sit along old bayshore highway waiting to get a taste of the food served up by carlos sanchezhe two street vendors attacked during the same week in san jose. people know we had a street vendors were the service pitt street vendors were concho and carlos sanchez were attacked during two separate incidents nearly two weeks ago. concho was hit in the head and kicked by an unidentified man just outside of s a p center on february 16th after a concert. two days later , sanchez was attacked with a bat on old bayshore highway near highway one. oh, one police arrested context ho for attacking sanchez. they're just trying to make a living in a lot of folks don't know that. um street vending was decriminalized in 2018 send the bill 946 past and i'll send it send the bill 972 past that solidified street ending in the street, so i think we need to start getting rid of that stigma against street vendors because i didn't hear anyone complain when netflix took blockbuster outta business and they never had a freaking mortar sponsors included armando's restaurant and then you yoga studio in mi
people sit along old bayshore highway waiting to get a taste of the food served up by carlos sanchezhe two street vendors attacked during the same week in san jose. people know we had a street vendors were the service pitt street vendors were concho and carlos sanchez were attacked during two separate incidents nearly two weeks ago. concho was hit in the head and kicked by an unidentified man just outside of s a p center on february 16th after a concert. two days later , sanchez was attacked...
Feb 26, 2023
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the other victim is carlos sanchez. he was assaulted last saturday the owner of a nearby automotive shop and told him to leave the area. and is now facing several charges. when local influencer is encouraging the bay area community to come out to san jose for a vendor buyout event. both vendors will be outside of intech auto-parts on bayshore highway at 1:00 tomorrow noon. >>> we are back in 90 seconds. a fire at a popular lake, these boats scorched in the north bay. >>> the main route to l.a. shutdown thanks to wild winter weather. a look at conditions along the grapevine. >>> we are still seeing a few showers in the mountains south of gilroy. overall a break in the action around the bay area. plan on more rain to wrap up the weekend, and a seven-day forecast with more low snow levels ahead. look when we come right back. who's on it with jardiance? ♪ ♪ we're the ones getting it done. we're managing type 2 diabetes and heart risk. we're on it with jardiance. join the growing number of people who are on it with the once-
the other victim is carlos sanchez. he was assaulted last saturday the owner of a nearby automotive shop and told him to leave the area. and is now facing several charges. when local influencer is encouraging the bay area community to come out to san jose for a vendor buyout event. both vendors will be outside of intech auto-parts on bayshore highway at 1:00 tomorrow noon. >>> we are back in 90 seconds. a fire at a popular lake, these boats scorched in the north bay. >>> the...
Feb 27, 2023
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video shows kenny ho, the owner of auto parts, attacking carlos sanchez with a baseball bat. he even threatened him with a can of lighter fluid. he was arrested on charges of assault and attempted carjacking. saul said he was punched and kicked by a customer after he demanded a free hot dog. this attacker has yet to be identified. >> we came out and personally donated a good amount to these vendors. what a blessing it was today. >> reporter: a street vendor activist from l.a. helped organize this community buyout at the same location carlos was recently attacked. >> since they don't have time off or any paid leave or days off. the importance of a community buyout is for them to take some time off if they want to. because they just went through something traumatic. >> reporter: saul seen on the left and carlos on the right were both at the buyout where hundreds showed up. >> carlos, he sold out in the first six minutes. people were already lined up since 12:00. so by 6:00 p.m., he had completely sold out. so they had to come in and bring them different batches. he was almost a
video shows kenny ho, the owner of auto parts, attacking carlos sanchez with a baseball bat. he even threatened him with a can of lighter fluid. he was arrested on charges of assault and attempted carjacking. saul said he was punched and kicked by a customer after he demanded a free hot dog. this attacker has yet to be identified. >> we came out and personally donated a good amount to these vendors. what a blessing it was today. >> reporter: a street vendor activist from l.a. helped...
Feb 20, 2023
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san jose street vendor carlos sanchez capturing the moment of confrontation with this manager of a neighboring auto parts shop. quickly ugly, ready video of the attack on old bayshore highway near highway one. oh, one quickly spreading on social media. his attacker identified by police as 43, year old qin tax ho was extremely scared. i wasn't sure what his mental health was like and what he was. thinking flora martinez , who runs a local immigrant rights group, translating for sanchez, he says it all started after ho demanded he moved his grill, claiming it was on in text. auto parts property. sanchez refused. he hit my car a few times and i had to take the keys so he wouldn't do any more damage before turning the bat on him arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon and attempted carjacking, but the auto parts shop where he works so far, not condemning the attack, instead re posting an apparent customer comment on their facebook page saying, in part quote, awesome people keep running the street roaches. i mean vendors off the streets marks the second time a street vendor. has been
san jose street vendor carlos sanchez capturing the moment of confrontation with this manager of a neighboring auto parts shop. quickly ugly, ready video of the attack on old bayshore highway near highway one. oh, one quickly spreading on social media. his attacker identified by police as 43, year old qin tax ho was extremely scared. i wasn't sure what his mental health was like and what he was. thinking flora martinez , who runs a local immigrant rights group, translating for sanchez, he says...
Feb 23, 2023
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in san jose, video shows carlos sanchez being taunted and threatened by a man with a baseball bat.this video was captured of a vendor being brutally attacked from behind and knocked unconscious outside the sap center. >> there are a lot of people there who support, even with some money amanda: that food truck owner will serve the visitors at the site where sanchez was attacked along old bayshore highway in san jose beginning sunday at 1:00 p.m. until they sell out. >> you can try their food. there is going to be music. you can tip the vendors, get to know them, and have a celebration for them. amanda: supporting two men whose traumatic experiences were caught on camera and quickly went viral. the shock still settling in for many, including a man who food on for merchant training program -- a woman who runs a food entrepreneur merchant training program. >> many of them are women. if they were to go out on their own to be selling their food, what kind of risk this puts them at. amanda: the man accused of attracting sanchez has been arrested and has put out a formal apology for his ac
in san jose, video shows carlos sanchez being taunted and threatened by a man with a baseball bat.this video was captured of a vendor being brutally attacked from behind and knocked unconscious outside the sap center. >> there are a lot of people there who support, even with some money amanda: that food truck owner will serve the visitors at the site where sanchez was attacked along old bayshore highway in san jose beginning sunday at 1:00 p.m. until they sell out. >> you can try...
Feb 26, 2023
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the other victim is carlos sanchez. police say he was assaulted last saturday, but the owner of a nearby automotive shop told him to the leave the area. he faces several charges. one local influencer is encouraging the bay area to come out to san jose for a vendor buyout event to help support them. both carlos and saul will be there. it is happening outside of the index auto parts at old bayshore tomorrow. >>> ahead, the warriors celebrating black history. the familiar faces out at thrive city today. >>> and hikers in the east bay were out enjoying the snow before it melts away. how things were looking up on mission peak this morning. >>> pretty incredible views around the bay area. right now, still seeing a few scattered showers coming from the east. we'll get rain tomorrow that may wash away a little of the snow. guess what, monday through wednesday, more low snow levels coming back to the bay area. we'll have the timeline, hour by hour, when we come right back. >>> san francisco today a large show of support for ukra
the other victim is carlos sanchez. police say he was assaulted last saturday, but the owner of a nearby automotive shop told him to the leave the area. he faces several charges. one local influencer is encouraging the bay area to come out to san jose for a vendor buyout event to help support them. both carlos and saul will be there. it is happening outside of the index auto parts at old bayshore tomorrow. >>> ahead, the warriors celebrating black history. the familiar faces out at...
Feb 20, 2023
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. >> 24 hours after carlos sanchez was assaulted by this man who works at in tax auto parts. he was back working his food stand. sanchez says he was setting up saturday morning when the man came out with the bat and started yelling at him verbal abuse to physical abuse and even after the camera and the fbi, even after the video and he called the cops and the attacker kept assaulting him. sanchez called san jose police after the assault and the man was arrested. >> police say he's a 43 year-old man with the last name. hope the first name was not provided. he was booked into jail on charges of assault with a deadly weapon. he also tried to move sanchez's vehicle by force. you can see in the video that led to a charge for attempted carjacking. flor martinez with the nonprofit celebration nation came out sunday to try and help stanch at. so we make them better. that kind of educate the public about how? >> i'm actually an indigenous person of the nation. and, you know, he should be able to have, you know, human rights just like everybody but in that he doesn't have a social secur
. >> 24 hours after carlos sanchez was assaulted by this man who works at in tax auto parts. he was back working his food stand. sanchez says he was setting up saturday morning when the man came out with the bat and started yelling at him verbal abuse to physical abuse and even after the camera and the fbi, even after the video and he called the cops and the attacker kept assaulting him. sanchez called san jose police after the assault and the man was arrested. >> police say he's a...
Feb 27, 2023
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people sit along old bayshore highway waiting to get a taste of the food served up by carlos sanchezo , the two street vendors attacked during the same week in san jose. people know that we had a street vendors were we just service bit vendors concho and carlos sanchez were attacked during two separate incidents nearly two weeks ago. concho was hit in the head and kicked by an unidentified man just outside of s a p center on february 16th after a concert. two days later , sanchez was attacked with a bat on old bayshore highway near highway one. oh, one police arrested context ho for attacking sanchez. they're just trying to make a living in a lot of folks don't know that. um street vending was decriminalized in 2018 send the bill 946 past and i'll send it send the bill 972 past that solidified street ending in the street, so i think we need to start getting rid of that stigma against street vendors because i didn't hear anyone complain when netflix took blockbuster out of business, and they never had a brick and mortar sponsors included armando's restaurant and then you yoga studio i
people sit along old bayshore highway waiting to get a taste of the food served up by carlos sanchezo , the two street vendors attacked during the same week in san jose. people know that we had a street vendors were we just service bit vendors concho and carlos sanchez were attacked during two separate incidents nearly two weeks ago. concho was hit in the head and kicked by an unidentified man just outside of s a p center on february 16th after a concert. two days later , sanchez was attacked...
Feb 27, 2023
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carlos sanchez was attacked in front of in tax auto parts the following saturday video shows a man coming out of a nearby business with a baseball bat and attacking sanchez. police arrested the owner of nearby in tax auto parts, kenny home in connection with the attack. the shop's facebook page has been flooded with negative comments since then this week co posted a statement to facebook saying in part. >> i deeply regret my treatment of the gentleman who set up a vending locations outside of my family's auto parts store in a separate email to kron 4 said i would like to say how sorry i am personally and to make up for my actions, adding he'd clean up the area and put up signs, welcoming people to sunday's event. sanchez was at the event, but he didn't want to talk on camera. he was busy cooking up lots of chicken and thanking people for coming out. be done and i'm organized the event. he's an activist and says. >> whoa, statement seems more like damage control than an apology from a city 30 telling them. >> i don't this thing so yeah, i don't think it's any way. >> there were several in
carlos sanchez was attacked in front of in tax auto parts the following saturday video shows a man coming out of a nearby business with a baseball bat and attacking sanchez. police arrested the owner of nearby in tax auto parts, kenny home in connection with the attack. the shop's facebook page has been flooded with negative comments since then this week co posted a statement to facebook saying in part. >> i deeply regret my treatment of the gentleman who set up a vending locations...
Feb 21, 2023
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then on saturday, police say an employee of an auto parts store right there attacked carlos sanchez after ordering him to leave the property, which is on old bayshore highway. they arrested 43-year-old kenny hoe, who is facing charges of assault with a deadly weapon and attempted carjacking. the mayor is pledging more protection for street vendors. >> we are going to do our best to step up the police presence and just keep a closer eye on this. we want to keep our street vendors safe. >> reporter: the mayor is telling any street vendor with safety concerns to email his office directly. >>> in san francisco now, the battle continues to stop prostitution. barriers were put up on cap street in the mission district. this is a hot spot for sex workers. and those barriers worked. neighbors say this was the first quiet weekend there on cap street in a long time. however, the firefighters union is raising some concerns here. the barriers have turned cap street from 16th to 22nd into four separate streets in hopes of deterring would-be customers. the firefighters union says the barriers create pro
then on saturday, police say an employee of an auto parts store right there attacked carlos sanchez after ordering him to leave the property, which is on old bayshore highway. they arrested 43-year-old kenny hoe, who is facing charges of assault with a deadly weapon and attempted carjacking. the mayor is pledging more protection for street vendors. >> we are going to do our best to step up the police presence and just keep a closer eye on this. we want to keep our street vendors safe....