and chief and members of the public, from the community and engagement unit and this is officer carly brown and she has worked to try to answer some of the questions that have came up regarding the patrol special and she is ready to plenty on some of the findings and again open it up to discussion if there is anything else that needs to be addressed. thank you. >> >> good evening. >> you talk about the patrol special compliance, and that was asked about in the prior hearing. we are here to talk about the patrol special compliance that was asked about in a previous meeting. and just a quick review because i don't know we don't know if you have talked about it recently and just go over some stuff, and the police commission befinds the officer as a private person who contract to perform the security duties in a private nature. and or a private person and businesses within the boundaries set forth by the police commission. >> i am not going to read the whole thing it is long. but basically the patrol special officers shall be regulated by the police commission that may establish the requirement