but carly garner is the author of" traders first book on commodities." ultimately the price of natural gas nearly doubled from august 2013 through 2014. she called that move by the way on off the choorts and if you listened you made a killing. now garner think there is glaring similarities between the current environment and last year. similarities that make her want to get bullish all over again. she's not saying natural gas will double all over again. that is a little too bullish. but you can see it rallying from up to 5 bucks, which will be pretty significant. especially for companies that produce the stuff. what makes garner so positive? first simple seasonal factors. you expect it to rise during the winter thanks to higher demand during the winter. and while that is the case what really happens is demand rises in early fall. gaern thinks this is the time to go bullish buzz at this time of the year the price tends to rise before consumers utilize the resource. she points out generally the futures market tends to price in in late august or early septe