steve forbes, carly rony, devoted to weddings, and pregnancy.a, talk points, a new media couple of business-to-business webcasting. and jason ackerman, director of fresh direct. steve, i know that tax is one of your favorites. is the tax code where to start? that's giving you one. [chuckles] >> yeah, you know the numbers. the tax code when you take the attendant rules and regulations, 9 million words, nobody knows what's in it. four,000 changes. it's beyond redemption. why not junk it and start over? i like a single-rate system. others valid two rates. but you could do your tax return on a sheet of paper. we spend, 6 1/2 billion hours filling out tax forms. $300 billion directly or indirectly complying with the tax code. imagine if we free that up, have a low rate, have more hour and it is only one who is lose, washington. >> greta: couple of quick questions. jason was when was the last time you did your own tax return? >> never. >> never. >> nope. >> i did in the late 70s, early 80s. >> do you understand the code and your business enough to do