and then like, you know, carly simon's came out, no secrets and, if anyone you remember that it said she's. yeah, she's she's great, right? and and i would go to the record store and just keep looking at that record cover, you know, and i that's when i knew, like hmm. and then was herb alpert's. yeah. herb alpert and the tijuana brass. do you remember the whipped cream? little hints like that. how hard was it for you to come out and how did that process? well it didn't really come out per. se like my first journalism just goes to say that, yeah, no, it's true. i, i didn't tell people for a while at my first job. maybe, i don't know, three or four years, but then and everyone, i think i grew up in a really safe atmosphere, in a newspaper, in a newsroom which really allows for, you know, characters, people to be accepted. and i think that's where i became comfortable enough to just sort of be who i am now. i never in the job ever told anyone i was gay and that because i didn't if it to do with the story, especially i wrote a series about gay kids in the bible belt coming out and never.