>>carmelita dors' stove hasbeen installed. ffers fromrheumatism, is happy to see light at the end of the tunnelof debt. >>the door of my old stovebroke. i had to live two years withouta functioning stove. now i'm grateful to the city ofamsterdam. ♪ >>but she still hasn't paid offher 10 year old bed. like many dutch people, and notjust in north amsterdam, she'll have to continue to battleagainst debt. ♪ >>ukraine says russia istesting a new form of weapon on them. but not in the ongoingconfrontation with the seperatists in eastern ukraine.it is a war without any shots being fired.according to ukrainian president petro poroshenko, russiansecurity services are waging a cyberwar against the country,including attacks on its finance and defense ministries.a suspected hack also wiped out part of kiev's power grid,causing a blackout in part of the capital.our reporter visited the power station there, to understand howsuch an attack happened and what the country is doing to protectitself. ♪ >>at the electrical substationpivnitchna near