. >> commissioner chu >> carmen chuy. commissioner cohen >> commissioner elsbernd >> present. >> commissioner >> commissioner >> present. >> vice chair wiener. we have quorum. >> please call item two. approval of the minutes. >> before we take action to this item. is there a member of the public that would like to speak on item two? seeing none. public comment is closed. colleagues, you have the minutes of the meeting before you. if we can take a motion to approve the minutes. motion by commissioner avalos. seconded by commissioner farrell. we will take that without objection. >> on item two. roll call. campos, >> roll call taken. item passes. >> if you can please call item number three. >> report, this is an information item. thank you very much. colleagues i have a very brief report today. we had two significant transportation events. on october 11th, we hosted the u.s. secretary of transportation, ray lahood as well as our house minority leader, nancy pelosi at at ceremony to mark the approval of the federal government