. >> and carmen consentino agrees, because as far as gas goes, you have to be ready for the unexpected. >> well, you have to be flexible and in gas prices, you have to monitor it and know what is going to happen and have a good bookkeeping system so that you are aware of problems before it happens. >> those rising gas prices are affecting a lot of the small business viewers. donna who owns a carpet cleaning business wrote us on facebook, we have two trucks and we use between 150 and $200 a day on gas. we will probably have to evaluate our pricing at the end of the month. steve owner of crate works wrote us. the cost of shipping inbound and outbound is the biggest problem. trucking fuel surcharges are running around 24%. let's bring in the woord of directors now to talk about this. eric shurnberg is the editor-in-chief of, inc., and the founder of predictable success, an incubation success company, and also the author of "synejist" written by our guest les mckeown. >> if a big one of your costs is fuel, you are in trouble. the fuel costs rise on a global market and nothing that you can