. -- they are going to be carmen ddecriminalized for taking a na. these are problems we can address in conversation. not through legislation that criminalizes the poor. thank you. supervisor wiener: let me call the three main -- remaining cards. those are the last cards i have. if you are intending to speak and have not been called, please fill out a yellow card. >> i am opposed to this legislation. i am queer, i was born and raised in the caster. my parents live there and i still live in the district. i currently work with folks who have been formerly homeless and i urge you to think about how legislation like this affect real people with real lives. as an example, there is one guy i work with who is struggling because he was the target of legislation like this and got a fine and he is homeless. he got a warrant. social security is cutting off people from receiving their benefits when they have a warrant out for them. that means he is not getting the income he needs because he has a disability which means that despite the fact that he has a disabil