in their book on financial crisis, carmen reinhart and kenneth tell us that public debt exceeding 90% of gdp is often a tipping point into a wrenching crisis, a point we are on pace to reach too soon. we only have to look at greece to see where the path we are on leads. we're here because we are committed to changing that course. getting america out of debt isn't the work of one president or one congress or one bill or perhaps in this case one decade. but i believe our work in congress must be about breaking a long pattern of fiscal irresponsibility and easy decisions. and putting america back on a more sustainable course. we've just passed, as all of us know, a health reform bill which some believe -- not without cause -- to be antithetical to the goal that i have just expressed. however, the nonpartisan congressional budget office tells us that the reform bill reduces the deficit over the first decade. it is projected to save us $143 billion and some $1 trillion in the decade after that. those savings, however, as david walker correctly points out in part are contingent on congres