we do like a crossover with "shogun." [ light laughter ] so it's like a crazy -- carmy he hits his heade characters -- >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> -- from our world and their world. you have to watch it. >> jimmy: wow. >> it will make sense. >> jimmy: wow, that's great. no spoilers. [ applause ] that sounds interesting season. >> that framing, yeah. >> jimmy: we can say something. >> we can? >> jimmy: yes. you directed an episode. >> oh yeah, i did. i did. >> jimmy: that's amazing. are you kidding me? [ cheers and applause ] did you always have the directing bug in you? >> no. the opposite. i really never -- i was so afraid of it. and i met chris storer, who created the show, when i was like 22 or something. and when we first met, he was like "you're a director." and i was like, "no, i just think i'm nosey." [ laughter ] and he was like "you're a a director. whenever you have a spare second, just like come on set, ask me questions, watch movies, let's talk about movies and tv." >> jimmy: really? >> and just kind of put me through a little mini -- >> jimmy: he felt it though. he's like, "you h